Sunday, August 23, 2015

Asian looking Finnish ancestress


  1. Steveeas7:53 PM

    Long time no read! Made my day.

  2. There is so much red meat this election I can't believe you don't want a bite of ti?

  3. Anonymous3:34 AM

    In addition: maybe you want to add some updates about Jamel and Devil Dog. With pictures. Right now I'm looking at the pics you posted almost ten years ago. I remember some of them. By the way, there's some resemblance between your mother and Jamie Lee Curtis, at least in this photo:

  4. My mom totally looked like Jamie Lee Curtis!!! I always tell people so! Strangely, I had a DNA test and my mother turns out to have been part Greek and Turkish, which does not surprise me either. Jamel, sad to say, has run away from his lesbian grandparents due to their crazy restrictions, i.e., no white sugar, no fast food, no toy guns, no violent video games, home schooling, etc. He now lives on the streets of Seattle. He is 16.

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Miss C,

    Wow! I've been away for too long.

    For many reasons I am glad that you finally posted.

    RaLph in Baton Rouge
