If therapy can't "cure" homosexuality what can it cure?
The left is overwhelmingly devoted to the idea of psychotherapy. The other day at work I was complaining about the fact that SF mayor Gavin Newsom's married paramour, the beauteous Ruby, had told her husband about her affair with Gavin, thereby setting into motion a nasty chain of events that ended up hurting a lot of people. One of my co-workers said, "She was in a 12 step program and they tell you to confess all the bad things you have done." I said I thought that was a really stupid idea, as maybe it clears your own conscience but it tears at the feelings and self esteem of those close to you.
My "libertarian" co-worker, overheard me and said nastily, "Oh, of course, you hate psychiatry, so you would think that. Damn those evil Jewish liberals who invented psychiatry!"
It's true I have often belittled the institution, as I blame psychiatrists for turning my mom into a tranquilizer zombie and have not known psychiatrists to "cure" anything. But I was shocked at the ignorance of my co-worker, who was unaware that a 12 step program is based on Christian principles and not psychiatric ones. So I told him that A A was a religious program and that the confession was more of the same and was not based on Freudian psychiatric principles at all. He did not say a word after that. He, on the other hand, loves psychiatry and constantly analyzes everyone and even movie characters by it.
To me therapy is basically a self centered thing. Depressed people are probably not having a very exciting life and spend too much time sitting around dwelling on their imaginary victimhood. Many of them never leave the house or go to a party for fear people will find them boring or inadequate. Those sort of people are boring. What could be more tedious than to listen to them at a party or in an office? You notice psychiatrists are paid a fortune to listen to selfish, boorish idiots. If you don't have friends who will listen to you for free it's because you are a boring and self absorbed person, get over yourself. I read a great book by a psychiatrist years ago and he admitted that often felt alternately bored and helpless as he listened to his patients.
Back to the leftists getting their panties in a twist over the homosexual cure idea. If therapy is incapable of curing gays from gaydom, then it would also follow that therapy is equally useless at curing child molesters or rapists or domestic abusers or any criminal of any sort or even depressed people. Yet the cries on the left are always about rehabilitation of the therapeutic sort. They place a high degree of trust in the validity of psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors.
Gay or multicultural sensitivity training is also as worthless as anti-homosexual therapy. Yet gays in my workplace demanded that we be given the training. It worked no better than the anti-homosexual therapy, I came out of the training as insensitive as I was went I went in. Also I am confused as to the meaning of sensitive in the idea of word, don't they wish we were de-sensitized to homosexuality as opposed to sensitive to it?
The whole notion of sensitivity training is to expand your horizons. Ultimately, it comes down to how much effort you're willing to put into it. If you are unwilling to learn anything than it won't really be of any benefit to you.
Miss C- Did you at least get a free lunch out of the hypersensitivity training?
Tex, you know as well as I do that there is no such thing as a "free" lunch, especially during any of these sensitivity training sessions, or as i like to call 'em:
New Age Re-education Day Schools, or N.A.R.D.S. for short.
As for what the rvcanuck said, look, what if you never wanted to "expand your horizons" in this manner, and how can there be any benefit at all to the person, or persons who never "chose" to participate, but are being "forced" to participate in any sensitivity training session? When it comes down to it, people will learn, what "They" want to learn when they want to learn it! These little day long sessions, with some over-paid "professional" telling you that you are a very bad person for not thinking exactly the way they do and not accepting all of their beliefs, and practices without giving you even a chance to state your view, and how you actually feel about the whole deal because they cut you off midsentence with how they "feel" about what you are saying, even though they didn't hear you in the first place, because they cut you off!
The only benefit that comes from these sessions is in the so-called professional's bank account.
So, ultimately, when you are being force fed the beliefs of only one side, with no mutual discussion, or at least a little respect for what the other side has to say, it is all pretty much just a big waste of time, and a bunch of B.S.!
So anyway, I gotta' run. Satan's Soul Farm ain't gonna run itself y'know! Remember now, in Hell there is no discrimination!
Be seeing you...,
Miss C,
If therapy worked, Charlie might surf.
Homosexuality is not considered a disease so it cannot be cured, despite what certain conservative christians think.
Child molesters don't think they are sick either Gary! Nor do domestic abusers. As far as dangers to the public health the winners are hands down, gay men. Which behavior has been responsible for more deaths, homosexuality. Therapy is fake crap! So is sensitivity training
Beelze-bubba is soooo right!
Child molesters don't think they're sick? That's besides the point. My point is that medical and psychological professionals do not consider homosexuality a disease.
Now AIDS is a disease, which is spread by homosexual behavior, as well as heterosexual behavior and intervenous drug use.
I was surprised that the mayor of San Francisco had an affair with a woman rather than a man. Will he be kicked out of office for that?
I agree that AA is more a 'religion' than a therapeutic method. It's almost cult-like in fact.
However, I believe that alcoholism, the addiction to alcohol, IS a disease, very often a chemical imbalance in the brain that is in many cases hereditary. I also understand that depression (not just "i feel sad, i'm depressed" depression) is also a disease with biochemical roots. AND, from what I read, alcoholism and clinical depression are often linked diagnoses. These two can be treated separately or together with some combination of medication and psychotherapy and plain old "I'm gonna beat this" attitude.
I don't believe this is a left/right issue. It's medical issue.
And I agree with Gary, homosexuality, in my mind, is not a disease. It's sexual preference, a sexual identity. Sexuality, is not a left/right issue, as we all have seen. But for years the hypcritical Christian Right has decided to make it so. I personally believe we all live along a spectrum (almost a kind of bell-curve effect) of sexual identity, with "straight" being the most common but with other tendencies fanning out along the way.
I also don't think that homosexuality is an illness. It's just different. And why bring child molesters into this? That has nothing to do with homosexuality. Pedophiles like to have sex with children and can either be gay or straight. And they are sick because they take advantage of children who would not be having sex if they were not coerced or threatened into it.
Also plenty of viruses are passed through gay AND straight sex.
There is a huge spectrum of gay male behavior. Some gay men are in loving relationships but this is very, very rare. For most gay men it is not about love no matter what you pacifist goofy liberals want to think. Liberals are dumb enought to think that everyone is like them. The truth is that liberals are a tiny minority elite. While liberals are ultra responsible right down to the type of grocery bags they prefer, they seem to be unaware of the nasty side of human nature or they just can't accept the truth. Many gay men are controlled by and unnatural obesession with unhealthy sex. I worked on a notorious gay street in SF during the AIDS heyday. I have no good opinion of gay men because of it. Many of them will crawl across ground glass to have an unsafe sexual encounter. I had a gay friend in high school. When we were 14 and 15 gay men would harass him wherever we went. He was a human recepticle. He died of AIDs when he was 24. If they could cure that type of behavior I would be all for it.
As for Gary saying that psycologists agree that gayness is not a disorder, I just told you that I hold no truck with what so-called mental health experts say.
I on the other hand hold more truck with the opinions of professionals working in the field, over the uninformed opinions of random bloggers.
Gary- Your opinions are no more informed than anybody else. You have a bad habit of deriding other posters opinions while expecting the rest of us to respect yours.
Texas, how do you always miss the point? I was referring to the opinions of people working in the fields of medicine and psychology, not my own. They say homosexuality is not a disease. of
I believe it is a sickness. But there is no cure.
"I believe it is a sickness. But there is no cure."
Sure there is ... it's called AIDS!
Hey, Jack, Hitler had another cure for homosexuality.
genetic fetal testing will soon eliminate, the stupid, the ugly, the prematurely sick and the gay. We are just fortunate we were born before the testing began. Gary anyway, as soon as they saw those wings, the sucking sounds would have begun.
Gary- I'm not missing the point.
I merely stated that you constantly deride others opinions.
Looking over the majority of your posts show the same patterns of condescension or outright or out arrogance when responding to other posters opinions.
OK, Tex, I'll try to watch that. I'm reading a book by Carl Sagan, and he expresses his opinions strongly, but then he says "But I might be wrong." So I might be wrong.
On the other hand, do I really state my opinions any more strongly than other posters?
Everyone missed the point of my post, which is that therapy is useless. Like chiropratic visits, therapy never ends. There is no "cure" and the professionals and experts are full of shit and stealing our money.
OH, I thought your point was you needed therapy!
I'm not gay, so I don't need it! Not that it works anyway.
About 3 years ago I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life, but somehow [Holy Spirit], I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital. I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell. I imagine I was going through some sort of metamorphosis [mental, physical & spiritual]. I had been seeing a therapist [1994] on a regular basis, up until this point in time. I actually thought I would be locked away – but the hospital staff was very supportive [I had no control over my process]. I was released from hospital 16th September 1994, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I remember this particular morning waking up [home] & my process would start up again [fear, pain, & shame]. No one could help me, not even my therapist [I was terrified]. I asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. Slowly, all my fear has dissipated & I believe Jesus delivered me from my “psychological prison.” I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing. I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically. He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions. I just wanted to share my experience with you [Luke 8: 16 – 17].
Peace Be With You
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