
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Original cast members of Alien biting the dust

Bill Paxton. John Hurt. Harry Dean Stanton. Sad.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

People against Eugenics should mate with Trumpers!

Put your money where your mouths are and mate with a "Deplorable", because, after all, I.Q. does not matter. Right? Right? Am I right?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Asian looking Finnish ancestress

Saturday, January 23, 2010

BBC reporters are referring to Obama as the "Embattled American President Obama"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

He's seen and heard it all

A few days ago the San Francisco Chronicle interviewed senior citizens who had lived through the depression and asked them to compare it to this recent economic downturn.

One old guy, who is 92 and still working, said that he had lived long enough to hear the word "bitch" used in ways he never could have imagined.

Remember when I said Obama never had a military before and he wants to play with it?

He is really getting the chance in Haiti. I heard a Haitian man on NPR say, "I hate to say it, but we need the Americans and the British to come in and take over."

Trick racist joke

One of the "Sanitation Engineers" at work told me a racist joke that had to do with wetting Black childrens' lips and sticking them to glass with the suction.

"Oh, that's sad," I said.

"You think so?" he said. "Black people just laugh at that joke cuz we know it ain't true."

The Silent Exodus

A documetary on the Jews driven out of Arab lands. One Jew said that after Israel was formed, his Arab Muslim neighbor came running to his farm to kill him with a knife. "What are you doing, he asked the Muslim, I helped you when you were in need. I gave you money to help you keep your farm."

The Muslim man lost steam at that point and apologised to the Jew. "I'm sorry, he said, but all Arabs are like me and you'd still better leave."

The Arabs raped and slaughtered and plundered the Jews as they drove them mercilessly from Arab lands. It is no wonder they are constantly accusing the Jews of all manner of atrocities. They are projecting. The Jews have never perpetrated 1/100th of the crimes on Muslims that the Muslims have on Jews.

"As has often happened in history, the Jews were the first victims of hatred and intolerance. All the "others" had their turn soon enough, specifically the Christians and other religious minorities, heretical and secular Muslims and finally, those Muslims who do not fit exactly into the ideological framework of the extreme nationalists and Islamists. There has not been a single instance in this murky period of our history when the Arab states have been ready to condemn the steady exodus of Christians, ethnic-religious minorities, enlightened and ordinary Muslims, while Muslims plain and simple have become the primary victims of Islamic terror."

Magdi Allam

In Oakland, drug dealers and gang bangers shoot each other to death. In San Francisco

dangerously mentally ill criminals with violent histories will murder you with a boombox. Or stab children on public transit or in a bakery or because they don't like your beard

You can't even go out to eat with your girlfriend after enjoying an evening on the town without being viciously murdered by screaming, spittle spewing lunatics.

Stranger murders are quite common these days in San Francisco. I avoid SF like the plague. The violently mentally ill and violent illegal immigrants roam the streets attacking and murdering people and the police and city government look the other way, defend, and repeatedly release criminals who have actually shot at, robbed and stabbed people numerous times.

San Francisco, Canada and parts of Britian are a violent sociopath's dream.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It rained mackerel it rained trout

Miss C made a pact with the Devil to get out from under liberal rule and God got pissed and pelted her with hailstones today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Devil made me do it!

While the lefty media cries foul over Pat Robertson's remarks about Haitians long ago making a pact with the Devil (I guess it would be better to burn in hell for all eternity than to live under French rule, but I digress) the same media types just can't get enough stories about Haitians' religiosity.

Obama hisself is telling us to pray for the Haitians. I, for one, think they need help from the hand of man and need to stop relying on divine intervention, voodoo or otherwise, and will chalk them up on the same board as I do the Native-American catholics and the Irish catholics in that I think that Catholicism has been utterly ruinous for some peoples. Also, of course, the Haitians suffered under French rule, which was both brutal and disasterous. Combine Catholicism, voodoo and former French rule and you have a deadly witches brew, like New Orleans or Haiti.

Catholicism is fine for the Italians and the Spanish and the French and Southern Germans, Europeans all, Catholicism is a European religion, but is is not so good for everyone. It makes some people passive, which is what the Europeans intended when they converted Native peoples and slaves into Catholics.

In any case, if you believe in God you probably believe in Satan. Both beliefs are equally nutty. Why take either one as more serious than the other? So why does the left countenance, sans criticism, all the singing and praying to God stuff that Haitians are doing all over the news? Why aren't they as ashamed and embarrassed by it as they are by silly statements made by Pat Robertson? Because Pat is a white man and he is expected to be smarter and less ignorant than the brown, dancing, singing, island dwelling God freaks in Haiti.

What's wrong with being an English major????

A few days ago I was riding the bus when 3 Asian-American girls boarded in Chinatown.

"Like, oh my gahhd," I overheard one of them to say. "Can you believe that he, like, thought I was, like, an English major or something?"

"Oh my gahhd. Like, why would he, like, think that?" said another.

"I dunno, replied the first, "Maybe, like, because I was, like, reading Shakespeare or something."

Well he won't make that mistake again, I thought to myself.

I loved the movie "In the Loop"

Funny funny.