This is my neighbor's Jewish cat, Sam Silverman. As is with Jews the world over, having neither balls nor claws, he somehow manages to plot world domination! He has personally told me of his desire to rule over all of Arabia! Samir Silverman of Arabia!
So did both of my cats, may they rest in peace, inbetween eating and napping which took up most of the day and night.
You can see the plotting going on behind their slitted eyes! If they could ever synchronize their naptimes!
That cat is an imposter! If he was a real Jew cat, he would NEVER have left that penny on the ground. No way!He would have picked it up and donated it to the Jewish Cats Defense League of America, JCDLA
Is that a penny, I didn't see it, you can tell I am not Jewish!
but you can tell my cousins are!
I think it's a piece of eight!
further analysis revealed that in fact, it was not a penny. My PDA wanted to believe it was a penny. Perhaps the cat is a real Jew Cat afterall.
I was wrong.
Let's start Mr. Silverman off with a small nation, before he goes onto the World Domination schtick. I say we send him to France. Since He has no balls, or claws, like the French, they may accept him as one of their own. But unlike like the French, Sammy Silverman has a BACKBONE, and AMBITION! So once he has rested power for himself, the Froggies will finally have a real "Pussy" to look up to!
As for the possible "penny" on the ground in the picture. It isn't a penny at all, it looks like a wet spot on the cement in the shape and size of actual "coinage". Possibly placed there just to lure the money grubbing Mr. Silverman so that the wiley Miss C. could take his picture, and thus take his spirit as well. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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