
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Alito is bowing to the McCarthys on the left!

The Democrats are going to try to stop his appointment. That is all there is to it. I am tired of conservatives in power bowing to the left and hiding their ideology. It is a form of McCarthyism that the left practices, demanding that those on Right denounce their true beliefs. Silencing dissent is their goal. If Alito believes that abortion is not protected by the constitution, he should just admit it. After all, it isn't protected by the constitution. Whether it should be available is another question entirely, but we in the Right Wing should loudly proclaim that we are not beholden to the pro abortion crowd in any way. Alito can hem and haw all he wants, the Democrats know that he does not believe that a right to an abortion is constitutionally protected because it is "settled precedent," and he should say so proudly. There is no reason that someone who is against the death penalty should not serve on the supreme court and someone that is against abortion should not be dismissed from consideration for that reason alone. Being against any type of killing, hardly makes a person evil, although the pro abortion groups woud have you believe otherwise.


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