
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

American and European journalists are defending people that would saw their heads off

with relish. Watching Bush's press conference the other day, I was amused and frustrated by the reporters continually rehashing the torture theme. There is a huge difference between torture and abuse. The reporters are terribly concerned with tormenting Bush with the word torture. They are abusing the word torture, by using it the way that they do. "What is your/the administration's stance on torture?" they keep asking at every press conference. As if Bush is going to say, "Well, Abril, I believe that torture can be a useful tool in the war on terror." First of all, no matter what he feels in private, he is not going to say it publically. He may personally think that playing Metallica at full volume is a valuable way to get information from prisoners and would be torture to him, but he is not going to say that. Second of all, who gives a rat's ass about those terrorists rotting at Guantanimo and Abu Ghraib? If it weren't for self hating Liberals and suicidal reporters we could finish this war in Iraq and let a lot of those prisoners go. The journalists seem blind to the fact that if we let the prisoners go now, most of them would be hunting down journalists, kidnapping journalists, killing journalists' drivers, torturing journalists and sawing off journalists' heads.


At 3:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

**** who gives a rat's ass about those terrorists rotting at Guantanimo and Abu Ghraib? ****

Their friends ? Theirs families ?

Many Gitmo prisonners were freed after a year or more in jail : they weren´t "terrorists".

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

You know, during a war, it's probably better for some of the people we are fighting against to be in jail. If they are not in jail they will kill us, or we will kill them. During the hostilities, it is safer for them to be out of the way. In Iraq, I agree that all of the people that are fighting against the occupation are not terrorists. Some are naturally nationalistic, as I too would be if someone came and occupied my country. But still, I would probably get myself killed, and for what?? America will win and more Arabs than Americans will die. Just let us get on with it.


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