
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Eric Lickbutt and the New Jihadi Times.

Mr Lickbutt was just on the News Hour spouting the usual, "public's right to know," garbage and gobbledy gook. Although quite open with the details of the Bush adminstration's efforts to prevent the needless death and dismemberment of thousands of Americans, Mr Lickbutt was very coy when it came to the details of how the New Jihadi Times got the information about the monitoring of international bank transfers by terror suspects. "I'm not going to get into details," Mr Lickbutt said. What about the public's right to know, there, Mr Lickbutt, hmmm. You can tell how far the left is from understanding the nature of the average American citizen. Again, the leftist journalists are patting themselves on the back, and congratulatng themselves on giving the Americans, what they assume, the Americans want to know. The only problem being that the American citizens didn't want to know this. They were happy to let the government take care of the terrorist watching business. Of course since the government was actually doing something good, the left couldn't stand it and had to put an end to the program. Mr Lickbutt claimed that it was really just common knowlege that the US was monitoring bank transfers anyway, so they were just printing something everyone knew already! Then why print it at all, we might ask. The Jewish editors of the New York Times are the biggest Uncle Toms on the face of this planet. Somehow they have got it into their skullcaps that Bush is the enemy and not the Jihadi fucks that want to skin Jews, behead Jews and drop nukes on Jews, not necessarily in that order. Treason, treason, treason! I am linking the Anti-idiotarian rottweiler t-shirt, which I formerly disapproved of, on account of I don't usually find lynching funny. However, since the media continues to engage in endangering the lives of innocents, both in the US and in Iraq, I am going to overcome my revulsion and say that lynching is too good for the traitorous bastards!


At 9:04 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yes, the left are the partisans of the satanic zealots. The Jihadis have got them running interference. Like one blogger said, just cause the left is the jihadis' buddies, doesn't mean they won't kill them last. After the caliphate is restored, when the gays go out to have their gay pride parade and the religious police begin the killing, well, then the left will realize who it has been in bed with.

At 7:56 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Devil Dawg, and my advanced age, will protect me!

At 1:07 AM , Blogger John Doe said...

Speaking about concubines, did you know that Radu, Dracula's little brother, was a sort of Turkish Sultan Mehmed II's concubine?

PS: New name, but it's me!

At 3:51 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Well, no wonder Vlad was so put out with the Turks!


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