
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Latino gang members get life in prison for targeting blacks for extermination and terror in Los Angeles

I had read about the case of Latinos targeting blacks in an LA neighborhood months ago. They had killed a Black man "just for fun" and engaged in terror and intimidation to try to drive Blacks out of the neighborhood. Since this was minority on minority violence it was kept quiet by the media. The trial has been going on with nary a word written about it by the MSM.

The Latino gang members were tried by an old law used to combat the KKK. The trial and sentences are very important and should have been broadcast widely. It's another case of whitewashing by the media, which goes out of its way to make it look as if "people of color" are never violent. The media's tendency to engage in self censorship every time a minority commits a crime is getting to be ridiculous. The media is presenting the world one way and the American people know it is the opposite.


At 6:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So nothing new, classic mass media trash...

The past sunday I was watching "Latin Kings: A Street Gang Story", about "un rey latino neoyorkino" convicted by drug traffic. It didn't seem that latin and black bands have the best relations one can imagine...

At 4:07 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I also saw a story about the spread of US style gangs to Honduras and the havoc that it's wreaking. I think you have them in Spain too.

At 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, lady, we have a lot of them... A few months ago, one of them, the founder of the latin kings in Spain, was condemned to 21 years in jail for raping, stoling a I don't know what things more. The funny is that two or three years ago he was interviewed in a trash TV show as a man of peace, integration and defense of minorities liberties...

BTW: In Spain, the maximum stance in the jail is 20 years (so I doubt he serves 5 years, as much...)

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Dose him! And Mumia too!


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