
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, December 15, 2006

When a Black man has brain damage, he listens to country music!

I ride the bus every morning with 3 young people who are a bit slow. They are not genetically retarded, but have suffered from brain damage somewhere along the way. There is a cute little Black girl and her White boyfriend and a very large Black guy. They are a close knit group and talk amongst themselves very, very loudly on the bus. They always add a lot of emphasis on each other's names after every sentence.

The other day the female member of the group told the Black guy she had seen him walking down the street and called his name but he did not hear her, because, "You were listening to your cowboy music, Brent!" He has his headphones on every morning and you can hear the twang of steel guitars coming out of them. So, it got me to thinking, does everyone who likes country music have brain damage?


At 12:43 PM , Blogger gary said...

It is actually not clear whether liking country music is the result or the cause of brain damage.

At 12:50 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Well I like it, but I'm white and don't know no better! I like classical country, though not that pop crossover stuff, if that means anything!

At 1:46 PM , Blogger gary said...

I actually like some country music but then I have been known to kill a few brain cells on ocassion. Fortunately, I have so many.

I even put up a video of Johnny Cash on the blog singing "Hurt."

At 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to like a country song sung by, you know, who was that guy... ??? Kenny Rogers!!!

At 10:46 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I love Kenny Rogers song about Vietnam, Ruby. You've painted up your lips and rolled and curled your tinted hair!


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