
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Deaf lesbians genetically select for deaf baby

Gay activist groups are up in arms about the studies one scientist is doing on gay rams. They are worried that if a gay gene is found people will start genetically testing fetuses for it and then aborting the defective fetuses. What goes around comes around and vice versa. If hearing children are considered defective to deaf lesbians, then gay children may be considered defective to straight parents.


At 7:13 PM , Blogger anita said...

i know of a single, straight, 40-year-old woman here in brooklyn who went to a sperm bank and chose the sperm of the donor who had the highest math SAT's. it seems to have worked out well. other than the fact that the kid doesn't have a father and probably will never know who his 'biological' father was. probably just some wack-job jerking off into a cup for a couple of bucks to buy his next dose of his drug of choice.

so that's selecting for math skills, i guess.

if i were to do that (which i wouldn't, unless i, or my currently non-existent partner, was deemed incapable of conceiving a child), i personally would pick a sperm donor who was a good writer and poet and musician. perhaps the potential spawn of bob dylan. or loudon wainwright. or john lennon.

of course, i would "just say no" to someone with alcoholism or a history of severe mental illness, homocide or fratricide, in his family.

now, of course, that all assumes that the donor didn't lie. and his father was wasn't charles manson. or jeffrey daumer. or mark chapman.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Sometimes even perfect genes can create ugly or nasty kids. Bob Dylan was a sexy little bad boy, but Lennon was too pacifistic for me. He was a much better song wirter than McCartney though! Louden Jr would have a cool name, I think if you can find some long lost Louden sperm that is the way to go. I doubt if Yoko would sell you some of John's for cheap and Bob Dylan probably can't manufacture any more.

At 4:32 AM , Blogger anita said...

yeah, that's probably true of ole bob !!

At 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The deaf lesbians are "both professionals in the mental health field".

Maybe geneticists should try to identify the "stupid" gene to remove first, then the rest will fall into place.


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