
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Mission Peak, Fremont, California

On the very tip top of this mountain are thousands of beautiful fossilized seashells and corals. That means this mountain was underwater at one time. I bet the sea creatures were bummed out when the waters began to recede and they were left gasping on the rocks. Damn that fickle Goddess, Gaia! Al Gore would have gotten all worked up about it, but then he would have been a sea sponge. Come to think of it, he still is.
The snow on this mountain is very rare as well. I have hiked it a hundred or more times and never seen snow. So, there is snow on the peak of a mountain that used to be under water. Nothing on earth remains the same. Except for that Sea Sponge Square Pants, Al Gore and his amphibious, rock lyric censoring wife, Manatee Tipper!
The left has been just about useless at every endeavor they have put their tiny little minds to, ("War on poverty" for example) and even were the planet in actual danger from rising sea levels, I would not trust anyone on the left to be in charge of measures to stop it.


At 1:25 PM , Blogger gary said...

Things the left were right about:

1. Vietnam

2. Iraq

3. Civil Rights

4. Protecting the environment

5. Social Security

Things the Right was right about:

1. Fiscal responsibility (I mean back in the day--not now obviously)

2.Suspicion toward government (also now obsolete)

At 3:18 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Puleeze, you started Vietnam and accelerated it too. You tried to take Cuba as well. Your ideology killed millions all over the planet.

The churches were instrumental in the civil rights movement. Yes liberal Jews did help, but they did more damage later on that totally negated every good they might have acheived. They don't know when to quit and have no common sense.

Hunters who are mostly conservatives, and often live in rural areas, are a lot better at protecting the environment than the left. Hunter's tags fund a lot of parkland employees and maintenance and the duck hunters have saved most of the wetlands. The left starts screaming every time you suggest raising a park fee even though mainly well off liberals go to see the parks. The left knows nothing about nature or it would support hunting and the fur trade, as fur is a truly renewable resource. Instead they are stupid enough to think we should all run around wearing clothing made of chemicals, such as nylon. Monumentally stupid!

Social security is a crock of bullshit and the majority of people collecting it are people who don't need it. Rich assholes in Florida, who are too stupid to vote properly, are collecting checks they don't need.

The right freed the slaves. Stopped the oppression of millions of victims of leftist ideology gone wrong. The left is responsible for the deaths of millions. Now the left is doing its best to drag Central and South America into hell yet again.

You have sent American culture spiraling into the gutter, paving the way for massive illiteracy and illegitimacy, ignorance and stupidity. You have made the inner city unlivable and doomed Black children to perpetual welfare dependence, fatherlessness and poverty because you have ruined the educational system and torn down social stigmas that protected women and children. You encouraged women to work and made marriage undesirable for men. Thus taking jobs away from men who used to be happy to marry and suport their own children, whom were considered highly desirable by both men and women. Women were happy to raise their children until a few lunatic leftist dykes started running around telling us we would enjoy slaving away 9-5 like men did, on account of it's so damn fun!

I know plenty of people who live in Conservative areas of California and the schools there are still fine. The worst cities in the US are run by liberals. If you want to clean up a city you have to elect a Republican like Giuliani.

As for being right about Iraq how's that? The people in Iraq that are slaughtering the Shias by the thousands were in charge and were still killing thousands of Shia and Kurds. At least the Kurds are a hell of a lot better off. You have not been right about anything to do with Iraq, You simply supported the murdering bastard Saddam and you still do. If you don't, then you would want us to finish the job of marginalizing the murerous Sunni scum that is inviting murderous Islamites from Saudi Arabia into the country to kill innocent Iraqis, in order to further the desire of the Sunnis to control the oil that has never been rightfully theirs. At a loss of a very few American lives, it is totally worth it.

I can't stand leftists or liberals and here where I live there is no real difference between the 2. I don't know one liberal I think has done one ounce of good for another person in his life. They pay lip service to causes but that is it. They vote for the left and they think they have done their part. They are some of the most selfish self indulgent creeps on this planet.

You will never get me to say that any liberal has ever done anything good for the people of this planet. I'd shoot every last one of them as soon as look at them.

At 3:57 PM , Blogger gary said...

My ideology has killed millions? Sorry! Perhaps you're confusing liberalism with Communism, which did kill millions, as did Fascism.

Liberals do bear some of the blame for getting into Vietnam. I was referring to the antiwar movement.

The Right freed the slaves? The Abolitionists were radicals. Lincoln was a Republican, but that party has changed a great deal since then.

The civil rights movement was almost entirely of the left. Conservatives were on the other side. Liberal churches and black churches were important.

Women work, for the most part, because they have to. One income is no longer enough to raise a family.

The left did not support Saddam. That was the Reagan and first Bush administration. Get your facts straight.

You talk about liberals the way Hitler talked about Jews. Your comments bear about as much relationship to reality.

At 8:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberals are about as close to
Facist as one can get. The liberal
mind demonizes any one that disagrees with them and tries to
stop their speech by calling them bigot or homophobe or hatemonger or some other prattle. The liberals believe, like Hitler, that a citizen should not have a right to own a gun or to protect oneself. There were as many or more Republicans fighting for civil rights, so that was not an an exclusive liberal idea.Protecting the environment is not an exclusive liberal idea. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, is considered one of the early enviromentalists. Pulling out of Vietnam caused the deaths of thousands of South Vietnamese and all private property was confiscated and the majority of city dwellers were forced into the country side to work in slavery on collective farms. Way to go liberals! So we should pull out of Iraq and let Iran take over, ie.- run away and pay for our perfidy tenfold in the future. Due to rampant liberalism SSI has turned into an ever spiraling drain on the economy which will implode when the elderly outnumber the young. Fiscal responsibility- the liberals have proposed the largest budget increase yet. Suspicion of government obsolete? Only a fool would believe that the government is benign or caring. The government is run by bureaucrats that retaliate against anyone that opposes them. Government agencies whose budgets grow every year because more money means more power. While we are at it, let us not forget that great liberal gift of partial birth abortion of second or even third trimester infants. Yeah, liberals are the best thing since sliced bread.

At 10:56 PM , Blogger gary said...

Liberals demonize people who disagree with them? Miss C wants to shoot liberals. Ann Coulter, Michael Savage and David Horowitz call them traitors. You call them fascists.

Where liberals were right about Iraq and Vietnam is in saying that it was a mistake to go there in the first place.Those two mistakes cost a lot of lives, American, Iraqi and Vietnamese.

I certainly do not trust our government. I do not trust it not to lie to us. I do not trust it not to destroy our civil liberties.

Look, liberals and conservatives share common values; we just differ on the best way to get there. I respect principled and honorable conservatives (I just wish there were more of them.)

Barry Goldwater spoke out against the so-called Christian Right. Once upon a time Conservatives believed in the separation of church and state. Goldwater also said that abortion was not a conservative issue.Teddy Roosevelt was, as you said, a conservationist.Nixon signed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and engaged China.

On the other side, Clinton reformed welfare and balanced the budget.Roosevelt led our nation through the second world war. Kennedy signed the nuclear test ban treaty.

At 10:46 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Liberals are evil scum who should be anihilated for the good of mankind! Kill the liberals!

At 11:15 AM , Blogger gary said...

Killing the liberals would not result in conservative policies. It would result in a fascist police state.

At 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary either you are purposefully obtuse or truly ignorant. Liberals are Facists. Have you seen the behavior of the Gang of 88( Duke Professors) out to destroy young white males for social justice?
Do you really believe that gun control as espoused by liberals will make us safer? Do you believe that the liberal mantra of continously raising taxes contributes to our freedom?
Do you truly believe that the government has a right to legislate our smoking, drinking, eating habits and what words we are allowed to say? The liberals have decided that they must tell us how to live the same as Nazi Germany.
If you actually study history you will see many parallels between what liberals are trying to legislate today and what totalitarian governments have done for years. Please don't try to put liberals on a pedestal as what passes for liberalism today is nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a Socialist Oligarchy by left wing elitists.

At 3:14 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Gun control will work about as well as prohibition did. That is to say not at all. Only the police, the government and the criminals will have weapons. Good people will have to become criminals to get them or make their own. A very bad situation indeed.

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