
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, May 07, 2007

French leftists acting like those they purport to despise!

The current rioting going on in France is very odd considering that the French leftists are engaging in Bush administration tactics. They, and their puppet princess Segolene, threatened violence if the French people did not vote the way they told them to.

"If you do not do exactly as we tell you, we will open up a can of Baghdad on your asses! Chaos and fire shall rain down upon you for not listening to us! We are warning you!"

The so-called forces of peace spoke and threatened extreme violence. Trying to strong arm and frighten voters like the veriest third world dictators. After the French people refused to be cowed, the leftists delivered on their threat.

The left is stuck on stupid, they have tried and failed and still have not seen the light. When has the left changed its stance on any single issue? Never, that's when. They do not learn from their mistakes. Once in a blue moon a leftist becomes a born again or a neocon, but these transformations are rare and often come with age. If we could invent a prenatal test and spook out these leftists and abort them before they are born, why what a happy place the world will be!


At 4:56 PM , Blogger Conan The Librarian said...

AHh dont say abort!
Yeah many of us grew up finally and escaped the belly of the liberal beast. Still those por saps you try to talk logic, use facts, talk about the massive failures and wrong thinking and they just-don't-get-it..

At 10:19 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Abortion is too good for the likes of them!

At 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are the French leftists acting like Bush admin supporters? Was that a type-o? Karl Rove doesn't smash things and start fires. At least I don't think he does. Now, John McCain, that's an entirely different story.


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