
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Monday, January 30, 2006

I am about to give aid and comfort to the enemy

Here goes the aid, tell Ted Kennedy to shut his stupid pie hole! He makes you look bad, and worse, he makes the whole country look bad and endangers American lives. Ted Kennedy can't get over the fact that he will never be a presidential candidate because he killed someone. He doesn't really think that the fact that he killed someone is very important, but it is. It is important enough to disqualify him, for once and for all, from ever being President of these here United States. Mr Kennedy is so jealous and resentful of George Bush, that he is trying to do the President's job of picking the Supreme Court Justices. He can't pick them, as he is not the President. Somebody needs to tell him that. Here goes the comfort, don't worry, I don't think that all Democrats are as fucking stupid as Ted Kennedy.


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