
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I saw Superman Returns yesterday.

Normally I would not have gone to see Superman Returns. Superman is not really a hard edged enough superhero for me. I am more of a villian loving girl. I didn't like the Chris Reeve Superman movie much, so I would have waited to see Superman Returns for free or not at all, but there is a tiny arthouse theater in my city and it was showing the movie and I had the day off. I went and sat on a nice cushy chair and saw it and I loved it. It wasn't a great movie by any standards, it was a bit choppy and not too polished. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane looks like a sexless Angelina Jolie. The actor that played Superman is way better looking than Chris Reeve, so there's a plus. The movie had quite a bit of symbolism that brought to mind the struggle of America as the outsider trying to save an ungrateful world from itself. I cried twice during the movie, I don't want to spoil it for any of you, I want you to go see it. I am pretty cynical and tough as you all know and it moved me quite a bit.


At 9:46 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

I liked Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor in the old movie. And I, like you, use to desire the antagonist kick protagonist's ass (but I doubt that I can desire Spacey's triumph).

At 6:04 AM , Blogger -bRad said...

I have one set of friends that really liked the movie, and one set that didn't.

I guess I am going to have to go see it for myself. I saw "Click" last night and I would say it's a renter.

At 10:27 AM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Gene Hackman is always good, J.Doe.


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