
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stem cell technology will make people even more irresponsible and subvert natural selection

Think on this, many people will engage in dangerous behavior with few consequences if they know they can get their self-inflicted wounds, disorders and diseases cured by stem cell technology. Stem cell repair will leave them free to reproduce more and more people like themselves. People with no impulse control and the desire to engage in risky physical pursuits. Right now the threat of severe injury holds many people back, it's the main reason I don't sky dive or bungey jump. I think that those of us that forgo such dangerous pursuits are smarter and therefore selected for. I saw a documentary on monkeys and there was a baby monkey that was always away from his mom and engaging in risky behavior and of course he fell and eventually died. Those types, ideally, should be used as cannon fodder in wars and such. The guys in the documentary, Murderball, for instance, although paralyzed, they still can't quit the risky behavior. They'd be repeat stem cell customers.


At 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you referring to embryonic or adult stem cells? Adult stem cells have been shown to be promising, whereas the other kind just causes tumors in rats. Not to mention the whole destruction-of-human-life angle. If we fall victim to all that embryonic stem cell claptrap, then we will have gone down the Brave New World™ road of human experimentation. Yuk. Thank God for Bush's veto.

At 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At any rate, I still agree with your basic premise.

At 12:36 AM , Blogger D.B. Shobrawy said...

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