
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

And all the fishes in the sea!

Miss C is mean and she does't care who knows it. In any case she could never compete with the nice leftists. The left loves all the brown peoples. The left loves third world communist leaders. The left loves all the poor peoples. The left loves all the people with AIDS, all over the world. The left loves the gay peoples and the transvestites, even the ugly ones. The left loves all the animals, the birdies and the fishes in the sea, even the sharks, which Miss C also loves, she can hang with that one. Sharks have teeth, the better to eat you with. The left loves the grasses and the trees and the sky and the soil and mother earth. They are filled with so much love. Miss C just does not have enough love in her. Miss C is a hater! Although Miss C has a mouse right now, that is pooping all over her house and keeping her up all night, but she is reluctant to kill it. Maybe that's what comes of living in lefty land. Some of it is bound to rub off.


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