
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Big Daddy Bush to the rescue!

Remember when the left was bleating about Bush's tendancy to act alone and how unacceptable it was to even suggest going into Afghanistan or Iraq without the express permission of all the oppresive regimes that populate the UN? Multilateral! Bilateral! Unilateral! 6 party to party of one! The left can never figure out what it wants anyway. Go it alone, don't go it alone. Whatever!

Well, now the left is singing a different tune. The leftists are begging Bush and Bush alone to talk to Kim Jong-il, as if Kim is an equal and reasonable partner on the world stage. The pundits are saying that Kim does not want to talk to China or Russia or South Korea. Baby Kim wants to be recognized by the Biggest Daddy of them all, President George W. Bush!

One of the talking heads on the News Hour even suggested that to send a lower level representative such as the Secretary of State is not enough. Kim would be insulted. After all, these third world dictators are like children. Bush is their Daddy and they want all his attention for themselves. Being recognized by President Bush as even a tiny threat to security sends a shiver of pleasure down the spine of every meglomaniac. The expert on North Korea suggested an ex-president, or someone along the lines of Henry Kissinger be sent to pow wow with the Korean Roy Orbison look alike. No one is too good for Kim, according to the left. The sky is the limit!

Here I was thinking that the left would demand that the famous crack French negotiating team would be able to solve this very dangerous situation. They are such fine negotiators and all. Fresh from their resoundingly successful talks with Iran.

The left is probably scared that Kim will nuke their favorite country, China. Why they think Bush would care about that is beyond me. Isn't Bush supposed to be in Iraq because he doesn't want China to get all the oil? Maybe we should just sit back and let Kim soften up China and Russia for a bit. Maybe the Chinese will be too busy watching their asses to continue ripping out the still beating hearts of freshly executed falung gong practitioners. The Russians might have to take time out from murdering journalists and winning all the world heavyweight boxing titles.

Hopefully the left has been made aware of how freaking dangerous Kim Jong-il is, just like Bush has been telling them all along. Crazy third world dictators can not be trusted with nuclear technology. Duh.


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