
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Friday, April 20, 2007

L' escargot?

The other night I was doing a crossword in bed when I heard a strange scratching sound. The Blue Devil was curled up on the pillow next to me, so I knew it could not be he. I kept hearing it and it was unnerving me a bit. I thought perhaps Miss Mousy had returned to take up residence and raid the food stores. I got out of bed and began to cock my head and listen for the direction of the sound. I traced it to my front door. Remember, I live in a studio, so my front door is also my bedroom door! I stood at the front door wondering what could possibly be scratching on it and decided to be brave and open it. I unlocked the door, opened it quickly and squealed "Great God!" About 30 snails were crawling all over the outside of the door! More slimey trails than Britney Spears car seat!


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