Now will the 9/11 conspiracy theorists shut the hell up!

Yesterday a section of a freeway overpass collapsed in between Oakland and Emeryville after a tanker truck, carrying fuel, crashed and exploded into flames beneath it. The heat generated by the fire cause the steel support girders and bolts to melt and fail. Exactly what the lunatic conspiracy wackos have claimed could not have happened in the collapse of the World Trade Center. The conspiracy theorists have long been claiming, incorrectly, that jet fuel can not burn at a high enough temperature to melt steel. In fact, the heat of this gasoline fire was more disbursed than the fires in the twin towers. The heat in the Trade Center would have been more concentrated and there was fuel in the furnishings and building materials that would have added to the temperature. Also, jet fuel needs a much higher flashpoint to even ignite, so the jet fuel in the Trade Center was already superheated. I'm sorry this recent disaster had to happen, but it helps to prove a valuable point.
9/11 : Dumbush did it !
He wanted to invade Iraq.
He did that too.
Now he´s weeping.
And it really does not have to "melt" any steel. It only had to weaken the steel enough to fail.
As this clearly shows!
I heard all the Jews were notified about the pending crash, at least that what the voices in my jead said!
Dear Rosie O'Douchebag,
This is the SECOND time in history that fire has melted steel. Notice a pattern? I didn't think so.
Opinionated Jackass
1. This was an open air environment where flames were able to reach their absolute maximum temperature; white-hot and shooting upwards of 200 feet in the air.
2. Those 200 foot flames were acting on a single support truss That was fastened to the two columns pictured here. That truss (and the connectors that fastened it to the columns) represents a small fraction of the steel that would have been found on a single floor of the towers or WTC 7. So again, far more heat focused on a single truss and no way to redistribute the load once that truss was weakened.
3. You'll notice that despite the intense fires ability to weaken the truss and connectors that there is NO mention of molten metal in the debris. Also, unlike the debris of the towers and WTC 7, it's not likely we're going to hear anything about thermate (specifically used to destroy steel columns) in the bridge debris.
4. You'll notice that the concrete roadway that "pancaked down" on the roadway below did not cause the lower freeway to collapse. Nor has the concrete disintegrated into a fine powder.
5. You'll notice the columns were not torn down by the collapse, nor did they evaporate into thin air, rather they are still standing (having only lost the the truss and connectors that held the roadway to them.)
So to quickly recap:
White-hot 200 foot flames acting on a single truss (and no ability to redistribute the load once weakened.)
No molten metal and certainly no signatures of thermate found
No column failure
No evaporation / pulverization of concrete
No "pancake collapse"
When a controlled demolition happens, the demolition team by blows up a few floors on the bottom first and uses the upper floors own weights to cause the rest to fall.
The opposite was true in 9/11 the upper floors fell first. The natural result of the upper floors burning and weakening the steel in 9/11 was that the collapsing weight of the floors caused floors directly below to collapse. Anyone looking at films of controlled demolitions can see the difference between a true demolition and the collapse of the trade centers. They are nothing alike. The collapse of the Cypress freeway overpass in our 89 earthquake was just like 9/11 too. The steel support girders bent out in the very same way you can see in the debris after 9/11.
As for the lower deck not collapsing, you can see that the fire was not burning at the bottom of the column and the steel was not weakened. The upper deck did not land flush on the lower deck, it warped over the side of it. So the weight was not directly onthe lower deck and the lower deck's steel supports were not weakened and Viola, no collapse!
For a good laugh see:
Gary I checked it out and the Daily Kos column. Funny stuff! Thanks.
Yeah Conan, the Jewish boys do love their basketball, they would have been on their way to the Golden State Warriors game if they had not been warned ahead of time.
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