
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The left and IQ

The left seems to make much of Bush's supposed low IQ. It's strange to me because every argument I have had wth a leftist regarding IQ started with them claiming that IQ can't measure the actual intelligence of anyone. They always claim that there is so much untapped genius in the ghettos and that the lower IQ average of Blacks is due to bias in the IQ test. It is actually illegal to test Blacks in some schools in the US. But if people are on Death Row, a test is welcomed. Lo and behold that bias argument gets a 180 degree turnaround when it comes to killers on Death Row. Then it's, he has a low IQ this and a low IQ that, and he's mentally retarded, yada yada. Suddenly IQ measurement is an exact science and the left throws out the idea that IQ tests are unfair. If it's true that the tests are biased then obviously the argument that a killer is of low IQ would be false, because they would actually have a higher IQ than the test would show. The leftists also would never imagine that a prisoner would deliberately dumb himself down to try and escape the death penalty. In any case having a low IQ is the best reason to execute a killer as he would be unlikely to learn from his mistakes or to be smart enough to understand why it's not a good idea to hurt people. As for the untapped genius in the ghetto, I believe that genius will out no matter where it is. There's no stopping geniuses, they will find a way to express themselves where ever they may be. As for others of high, but lesser than genius intelligence, yes, I believe that they may fall by the wayside, due to the atrocious educational systems in the inner cities.


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