
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Remember when the leftists were hyping the danger of American militia groups?

The other day I happened to see a copy Morris Dees book The Gathering Storm. I had forgotten this doomsayer's book existed. I looked at the publishing date and realized it's been almost ten years since this book was published. Well, where are these scary right wing and racist militias he predicted were going to be the big threat? It's funny that the left was hyping home grown terrorist groups and acting as if we were over run with Timothy McVeighs and that the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood were ready to stage a government takeover. You'd think Mr. Smart Ass Dees would have warned us about 9/11, since he knew so much. Now the left is downplaying the 9/11 attack and acting like everything is hunky dory and everyone is getting excited over nothing and Muslim fundamentalists have rights too, boo hoo. I call bullshit on them!


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