
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New York Democrats are the most useless people on earth!

Those Democratic senators don't look like they can do a thing for themselves. Bush can use a chainsaw, ride a horse, drive a pick up, you know manly things. Now the guys from New York seem like they were the nerds in school. Not the smart engineering types, but the political science majors. The unpopular kids, the ones that got picked on. They look like they take taxis everywhere and can't screw in a lightbulb by themselves. They look like they never go home. They look like they live in hotel rooms and order room service. They don't look like they can cook or even enjoy food. They always have sour looks on their faces, especially since they lost the last election. It's no wonder they hate the people in the red states, any redneck is more competent and useful than any Democratic senator. The Democrats know they are basically dead weight. They take our tax dollars and have nothing to show for it. The education system is shit. The welfare system is breeding helpless idiots in the Democrat's image. It's no wonder that the Democrats protect the useless and unproductive, they are in essence, protecting themselves.


At 8:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be that as it may, I just came across this blog via a post by Miss Carnivorous about the execution of Tookie Williams, the which post was at ``Unrepentant Marxist'', and it occurs to me that the following poem by Gertrude Norman might be an appropriate contribution here. [The poem was one of six written for the composer Irving Fine and set by him as ``Childhood Fables for Grownups''.]

There once was a tiger named Tigeroo
The hungriest tiger in the zoo,
All day he liked to eat
Not cake, not cookies, but only meat.

The keeper said, ``Now Tigeroo,
You eat too much, you know you do,
If you eat anymore, and you get sick,
I'll call the tiger-docter quick.''

``I'll eat all I like'', said Tigeroo,
``I'm the hungriest tiger in the zoo,
You tell that doctor, I said Pooh!
If he comes in my cage, I'll eat him too.''

At 8:35 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Le mieu, le purr, Paul Lyon, Miss Carnivorous loves you, and she would never, ever eat you.

At 9:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha. Now you will have to go get a recording of the song out of the library and have a listen :-)

There is one on an album called ``The Listeners'', sung by a baritone named William Parker (New World Records), along with 3 of the other Childhood Fables, and there is one on CRI (Composers Recording International) titled ``Chamber music of Irving Fine'' (all six). The first is still in the catalog, the second is not. CRI was absorbed by New World, but they haven't rereleased this one, yet.

Fine was better known fifty years ago, when these songs were written. He also wrote 6 choruses from Alice in Wonderland, which are fun. Those are on another CRI recording not yet re-released by New World, called ``Music of Irving Fine''.

It will depend on how good your library is, I'm afraid.

At 6:17 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Yes Paul, I would like to read the other poems as well. I will look for one of the recordings. We do have a really good music collection. It is not as good as it once was under one of the music librarians of old. He retired and took his vast body of knowledge and his professional expertise with him. We have a great score collection due to him. In any case, it's a nifty poem you posted and it made my evening. I am sure it symbolizes my right wing nastiness to you, but to me it's mighty flattering.

At 1:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually it was the post that mentioned gmo's, and your nom-de-blog, that brought that song to mind.

All six songs were meant for various composers that Norman and Fine knew. I can't recall which one Tigeroo was for, but this one was for Leonard Bernstein:

Lenny the leopard hated his spots.
He covered them over with purple blots,
And tied his tail in a hundred knots.

He painted his ears, one reed, one blue,
And dipped his nose in a pot of glue,
And everything else bad leopards do.

But his mother said, ``Lenny I still love you,
You're my baby and I love you.''

I can't say just what it was about Bernstein that prompted that one.


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