
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Why not make abortion rights retroactive?

What if you change your mind, much later, after you actually get to know your kid? What if you and your kid just are not compatible politically? What if your kid becomes a Republican??? Oh my God, I know some Liberals would immediately rush to get the retroactive abortion pill RU4RETRO, if their kid joined the Rethuglican party. I see a lot of guys, here in the Bay Area, that state in their personal ads that they don't date Republicans, because they don't give aid and comfort to the enemy. Would that include their kids? What if your son joins the military and wants to go and kill innocent little Iraqi kids like Cindy Sheehan's evil son Casey did? She could have killed him before he got killed! Saving herself a lot of pain and heartache. Retroactive abortion could take care of all that. After all, if you had known how he would turn out you would have just killed him before he was born and not wasted all your time and money on someone that would grow up to become a Satanic instrument of Sunni doom.. What if he likes to eat McDonald's and you are a vegan???? What if he refuses to see Brokeback Mountain with you? What if he thinks Jesse Jackson is nothing but a fat, frog eyed, self promoting bastard with a speech impediment?? You see where I'm going with this? It's better than heaving them in the dumpster in a plastic bag, and they can walk back if you leave them at the fire station. Oregon is the place to begin the fight for retroactive abortion rights. All you Liberals MoveOn up there and get to it!


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