
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I can't cut every liberal slack, no sirree!

Halloween was fun, but.... the usual crew went out for Cambodian food for lunch. This is beginning to be a kind of tradition. I wish I had got some pics of Henry VIII and the skeleton eating with their chopsticks. Anyway, another employee came too. I have had a few conversations with this employee and know him to be a member of the far, far left. Born in Hong Kong, he is often wont to belly ache about his education at a "British school." This gets on my nerves as he is of course in good company, both Nelson Mandela and Gandhi went to "British" schools and it didn't hurt them any. This guy is also a self described "expert" on the country of Singapore, for which he has no admiration. Sounds like sour grapes to me, but I digress.

Another co-worker had given me her "I voted" sticker she had gotten when she turned in her ballot. I liked it, as it was in Chinese, English and Spanish. I put it on my backpack. This co-worker saw it and asked if I had voted already. I told him no and I was going to take it off in case the people at my polling place thought I had already voted and was committing voter fraud by voting again.

Oh joy, of course that opened up a can of worms. The left was in a lather about punch cards. Now, they are hysterical about electronic voting machines. Hysterical. Hissy, stomping, spastic, cuckoo, nuts. This guy starts in and he did not shut up for hours. He said he had gone to Florida to register people in 2004. Broward county. So brave. He began to go on about voting and measures. He said he didn't know why the "preschool measure" that would have taxed the top 5% of California voters did not pass. The other 2 liberals, one a lesbian, at the table told him they were not going to give any more money to the California schools because the schools always demanded more money and had nothing to show for it. The lesbian said that if people didn't want to pay for their own day care they shouldn't have kids and expect others to pay for them. He said, "But children aren't always planned." We just hummphed at him. Except for Henry VIII, who stays out of political discussions. He just ate his charbroiled beef and sweet basil rice.

We told the leftist the schools had control of the kids for 13 years already and that little kids belong with their mother and that kids that spent a lot of time in preschool had behavioral problems, big time. The left is always championing the poor but it sure wants to take poor kids away from their parents and raise them up right.

Often, the left begins to sound like the aristocrats of old who thought the poor incapable of raising children, and the Catholics who took kids from their single mothers and gave them up for adoption. They know what's best and that is for all children to be taught to think like liberals and to know what liberals know.(Most of all to love homosexuals) He was floored. We somehow got onto the subject of the McDonald's monopoly game which of course was a perfect opening for this guy to insult McDonald's food and it's corporation. Mind you, this guy smokes. Then he was on a roll.

We went back to work and he came over to my area to go on and on about every textbook liberal cause. We had a vociferous argument about Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Of course it turns out this guy was one of Tookie's supporters. He tried to tell me about the late killer's children's' book. So I tell him. "This is what we do not understand about you people on the left. You never get tired of championing brutal murderers. Never!" Then he said, "But he had a valuable role to play." I told him that if they did not execute Tookie, they could not execute anyone, as his crimes fit all the criteria for the death penalty. I told him that the most valuable role Tookie could play, was to die and show kids that gang violence really does not pay.

So the guy says, "So you executed him to make a point?" I say, and had said, about 5 times, "No, we executed him for the crimes he committed, the penalty for which Tookie was perfectly aware when he chose to shoot people in the face with a shotgun." He tells me that the media portrayed Tookie as a dangerous animal and showed pics of him that made him look evil. I said that these pics were pics Tookie posed for, trying to look mean. I said that the media went out of its way to call Tookie an ex gang member and children's' author. I said that Tookie was massively muscular and there seemed to be some weird liberal fixation with these strong Black men. Almost as if these ugly weak hippy guys wish they had the cojones these brutal, black motherfuckers have. This guy himself is very effeminate, although married.

I tell him the justice system is not always fair in this country, true, but that has to do with the adversarial system and variations among people from state to state and county to county. I said that if Tookie really had regrets for his crimes, he would have gone to his death like a man instead of letting a bunch of deluded butt licking liberals become his instruments. I called them sycophants. So the guys asks, "Do you think I'm a sycophant?" I am thinking, fuck yeah! I tell him I fail to see why he would fixate on Tookie, when there are far more worthy causes. He begins to tell me that gangs are really helpful and productive for the oppressed. It's the fixation on strange causes that floor the right. It seems to me that as a society we should ignore someone like Tookie. The left claimed him to be a icon for anti gang sentiment, but he is actually still an icon for violence to inner city youth.

I am getting really through with him at this point. I tell him gangs are a family substitute and that the liberals have destroyed the family and now young men have no guidance and must look to violent gangs for father figures. Then he does what liberals do, changes the subject. So then the guy makes amazing segues to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and tries to tie it all together. I ask him why he thinks the US is invested in keeping innocent men in prison at Guantanamo. I tell him its bad PR and it costs men and money and it makes no sense to keep a bunch of innocent guys for no reason. I am sure the really bad guys are left and the others have been weeded out. I tell him there were a lot of foreigners in Afghanistan, there to oppress the Afghans. They are now at Guantanamo and we can not send them back to Afghanistan. He then tells me it is some exciting form of power play for the (American) men involved. Blah, blah, blah. Its all about power, which the left can't admit they crave.

I see there is no winning here, as this guy does not deviate from the liberal orthodoxy one iota. If a liberal can prove to me that he can think for himself I will let him within my orbit. My Black Democratic co-worker laughed her ass off when I showed her the funny sign the soldiers made for Jon Carry. She also wanted Tookie to die. She can think for herself. This guy failed the test on every level. Miss C's world is closed to him entirely. No more lunches, ever. You can not go from voter fraud to McDonald's to the oppression of Black men to Abu Ghraib in one hour and still keep Miss C's respect.


At 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, I always thought Asians were well mannered and relatively conservative in their thinking. Kudos to you for holding your ground.

At 2:13 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I could tell you about this guy! he is a radical leftist married to a white chick who's a feminist lefty psycho! White liberal chicks who marry pacifist Asian guys, don't get me started.

At 5:51 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

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At 5:51 PM , Blogger John Doe said...

The left was in a lather about punch cards. Now, they are hysterical about electronic voting machines. Hysterical. Hissy, stomping, spastic, cuckoo, nuts.

We had a vociferous argument about Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Of course it turns out this guy was one of Tookie's supporters. He tried to tell me about the late killer's children's' book.

So then the guy makes amazing segues to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and tries to tie it all together. I ask him why he thinks the US is invested in keeping innocent men in prison at Guantanamo.

It seems you're speaking about the Spanish anti-Americans; I mean, those are their usual arguments...

Tonight, I've read the news about Ted Haggard. In the frontpage of a digital Spanish newspaper, as if we had not more important matters to think about...

At 12:09 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

It is the story of the world's peoples J.Doe, focus on the beautiful country of America and point out all her faults and avoid taking care of your own business.


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