
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Zontar the Good thinks that college students should not be allowed to think for themselves

In a comment on Aurora blog, Zontar let it be known that he does not approve of military recruiters on high school nor college campuses. I asked him why he thinks college students should not be allowed to make the decision whether to go into the military, on their own without any help, or hindrance, from him. He has not, as yet, answered the question.

College students now span many ages and many income levels. College students work, vote, drive, choose majors in order to facilitate their future careers, etc. Obviously they do a lot of thinking for themselves.

Of course I know the real reason leftists object to giving people freedom to choose their own life paths. The left does not want people given the choice to do something the left disapproves of. Much like Islamic fundamentalists, the left believes people should be protected from difficult decisions. The left wants to make people's decisions for them. The left knows best.

The left seems to forget that there was once an entire class of people, nearly half the population, who were protected and exempt, from military combat. Women. The left ended that practice, long ago. Now, American women are being killed in combat. Do you hear the left saying that women should go back to being a protected class again?

It seems as if the only people the left wants to serve in the military are the children of the well off and non college attending gays. So the next generation must "pay" for the success and hard work of their parents, while the children of people who don't work and live off government largess should be given a free pass. It's the old anti Darwinism of the left in action yet again.


At 12:31 PM , Blogger gary said...

OK, fine, military recruiters on College campuses is OK with me. College students are, in theory at least, old enough to think for themselves. In practice, of course, most people do not think for themselves, but that's their problem.

You're right that women are being killed in combat. Women have been in the military for decades, and I don't have a problem with that, but they're not supposed to go into combat. Why isn't this an issue with traditionalist Conservatives? Call me old-fashioned and sexist but I don't think women belong in combat.

By the way, do you have any plans for Global Orgasm Day?

At 3:23 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Every day is orgasm day! Party down. Nice response by the by!

At 10:25 PM , Blogger Jimmie said...

It's an interesting leftist position that the soldiers are "children" and too poor and stupid to find any other job opportunities.

I'm finding it difficult to find the "support" part of Support the Troops in their positions.

At 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Castro dies, we'll celebrate the GREAT ORGASM DAY!!!


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