
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Polls claim that people won't vote for Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon!

I know a few Mormons. I have worked with some Polynesian Mormons and I can tell you, that Mormonism combined with Polynesian culture has formed some of the most gracious, well rounded and just plain fine individuals on the face of this earth.

My co-worker is a Mormon Tongan, she's married to a South American Mormon. They have 2 sons and you can not begin to imagine how good looking these boys are. They speak 3 languages fluently and have done their missionary work in South America. My co-worker works full time for the City and owns a floral business. She is used to people being prejudiced about her Mormonism and is reticent to tell the intolerant, liberal shits we work with that she is a practicing Mormon. She doesn't want to hear them. Liberals are confused when minorities are members of religious groups that liberals themselves are prejudiced against. Liberals think that they are in lockstep with all the brown peoples and that all the brown peoples are liberals.

When I was in Hawaii, I visited the Polynesian cultural center. All the Polynesians who work at the center are Brigham Young University students. I met Mormon Maoris, Hawaiian, Tongans, Tahitians and Samoans, all of whom were as learned and graceful as my co-worker. My sister and I went on a scuba diving trip and met 4 Mormon brothers. I ended up dating another guy who was friends with the Mormons. Without exception the Mormon guys were successful businessmen and responsible fathers. They had all done missionary work and spoke another language beside English, depending upon where they had been missionaries.

While I think Catholicism has done more harm than good for many people around the world, (South American Indians, the Irish, etc.) Mormonism, by contrast has done much good. Mormons are generally self supporting, well adjusted and physically healthy people.

That having been said, my ex boss came from Wyoming. He was raised in town where polygamy was practiced. In fact his family had escaped from Utah ahead of the government who sent out troops to crack down on the polygamists. He said he realized early on that Mormonism was not for him. He ran off and joined the Marines. Often when we think of Mormons we think of polygamists marrying underage girls. Not a good association. I am not against polygamy, at all. I am just against forced marriage.

My ex boyfriend had a Mormon friend who he was very close with. He blindly assumed that this guy was his best friend until one day the guy said, "You know, if you were a Mormon, you'd be my best friend." My ex said, "I thought I was your best friend." His friend answered, "No, you can't be because you are not Mormon!"


At 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a pretty nutty friend of your ex-boyfriend! There are cookes in any group.

I hope people can see past Romney's religion. For some it will be a negatve, others it will mean nothing and still for others a positive.

Mostly I want people to know Romney for his many policy contributions and his integrity. He is by far the smartest and most talented of any candidate on either side. He has an amazing family and is an excellent role model.

At 12:52 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I agree that he is talented and is an excellent role model. I hope that people do not hold his Mormonism against Mitt, but I am afraid that they will!

At 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Jason, the ending of your post was rather odd with the comments of a socially awkward person who happens to be a Mormon.

Mitt's Mormanism is a risk in the Primaries, but not the overall election. We have a year before the primaries and two before the overall election. Just give people time to hear Mitt speak and debate and I believe many "fears" will melt away and policy and talent for leadership will come to the forefront of voter's decisions.

At 12:50 PM , Blogger gary said...

I respect all religions (except Scientology). Mormonism is no kookier that Christianity really.

At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, Gary, I'm impressed. And you even recognize Scientology as the Hollywood sham that it is.

At 12:23 PM , Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Notice that the Mormon guys are tripping on the one negative "true" story I told. Mormons never, ever do anything wrong, just like Blacks and Arabs.


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