Mad Hatter Miss C crashes Bella Pelosi's tea party!

I was laughing my ass off as we got out to shoot the pic of me in front of Nancy's house.Then we got back in the car before the cops could arrest us. Abu R had borrowed his friends giant SUV and it has California Waterfowl decals all over it, American flag decals on the doors and a dead deer's head in the back. Clearly we were the enemy.
Abu R drove a little way, then stopped and beeped the horn at the Russian consulate's house, half a block up from Nancy's. A little poodle came to the upstairs window and looked out at us. Abu R yelled out the window, "Bushka." He tells me he always fucks with the Russian Consulate's poodle, every time he drives down this street.

I love to play psych warfare on poodles.....It provides me with the sweet taste of victory against my old Russian enemy.
I knew you was Taliban! I told you you wuz! And it ain't even Ramadan.
Didn't Fairy Belafonte' sing a song about Talibananas, or some shite like that?
"Come Mr. Taliban, talibananas! Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!
One bomb, two bomb, three bomb blast!
Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!
Seventy two virgins are waitin' fer me!
Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!"
I just can't help myself, ya'know?
Miss C is not a crook
No a crook, no but a cook and a kook fer shure!
Dont make me get Tora Bora on you, or is that Tora Tora Bora!
How about making you get all
Too-ra-loo-ra-li, on her...,
It's an Irish Lullaby, ya'know?
Re: Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra
Miss C would just chew me up, spit me out, and feed what was left to Devil Dog. But thanks for the suggestion!
I don't nuthin' 'bout none a 'dat cannibalistic stuff yer talkin' 'bout, but I can relate to feeding devil dog yer scraps.
"Please keep yer arms, and hands away from its' mouth at all times!"
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