Right wing easter basket for me!

Beelza Bubba has created a one of a kind Easter basket just for me!
The year after my mom died, I whined to co-worker Bubba, that it would be the first time I had not received an Easter basket in all my 38 years. Poor Bubba, ever since, out of the kindness of his cold black heart, he has been making up an Easter basket for me. This year he has outdone himself, iffin I do say so myself!
The camouflage basket/bucket contained one Counter Terrorism playset, a Military Girl, camo outfit for my Barbie and a lot of American flag lapel pins, which another co-worker informs me everyone on Fox News wears.

Shucks Ma'am! You make me blush, and almost made me think I had..., feelings, or some other form of sappy flipiddy-floo!
Only the best for Miss C. I always say. Satan's Soul Farm wouldn't be same the without her.
Happy Easter y'all!
Miss C., you like to play with boy toys. Isn't that kind of GAY?
Yes, Miss C is so gay! While it is acceptable for girls to play with boy toys, it is entirely unacceptable for guys to play with girly toys! Double standards for everyone!
I thought that a lot of women liked having "boy toys", and playing with them every chance they had, before discarding them for next years' model.
Ah..., the choices that some women have..., and that others do not.
As for playing with girly toys, I can remember getting asked, rather forcefully when I think about it now, to play "House" during the very early years of my schooling. Sometimes I would be the "working man" of the house, but most of the times I was the "Mr. Mom" stay at home, clean, cook, and take care of whatever little bastard baby doll, or stuffed animal happened to be "our" child that day. I truly did not care about playing house at the time, but I was asked to do so a lot way back then.
My God! Does this mean I am GAY too?!?!?!?
They're gonna' kick me outta' Satan's Soul Farm for this, I can just feel it! Damn you Kindegarten! DAMN YOU!!!!!!
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