
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cindy Sheehan can't let Casey go.

I was watching Judge Larry Joe on Texas Justice last year. There was a family fighting about funeral costs for a murdered son. The murder happened a long time ago and the separated parents were arguing over some money promised by one of them that had not been delivered. Judge Joe said that he had a lot of cases like this and it seemed to him that the people really did not want to resolve the issues as then they would have to admit that their son was dead and move on with their lives, an understandably difficult thing for a parent to do. I think that Cindy Sheehan is trying to hang on to Casey in the same way. She can't give up the fight, because then she would have to face the devastation of her loss. She is keeping the memory of Casey alive and staving off loneliness by surrounding herself with her supporters. I can't fault her for that.


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