BBC reporters are referring to Obama as the "Embattled American President Obama"
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!
A few days ago the San Francisco Chronicle interviewed senior citizens who had lived through the depression and asked them to compare it to this recent economic downturn.
He is really getting the chance in Haiti. I heard a Haitian man on NPR say, "I hate to say it, but we need the Americans and the British to come in and take over."
One of the "Sanitation Engineers" at work told me a racist joke that had to do with wetting Black childrens' lips and sticking them to glass with the suction.
A documetary on the Jews driven out of Arab lands. One Jew said that after Israel was formed, his Arab Muslim neighbor came running to his farm to kill him with a knife. "What are you doing, he asked the Muslim, I helped you when you were in need. I gave you money to help you keep your farm."
dangerously mentally ill criminals with violent histories will murder you with a boombox. Or stab children on public transit or in a bakery or because they don't like your beard
While the lefty media cries foul over Pat Robertson's remarks about Haitians long ago making a pact with the Devil (I guess it would be better to burn in hell for all eternity than to live under French rule, but I digress) the same media types just can't get enough stories about Haitians' religiosity.
A few days ago I was riding the bus when 3 Asian-American girls boarded in Chinatown.
Poor Harry Reid. I hope Obama doesn't throw Harry under the bus like he did that Reverend Wright and his own grandma. All liberals are terrified of being tar babies, oops, I mean getting tarred with the racist brush. They are scared and mean enough to cover Harry in hot tar. They flung poo all over monks after the Chinese revolution. Lefties are some nasty customers.
I just finished watching the documentary, Jihad for Love.
They are fanatical zealots.
It was featured on the PBS show Worldfocus yesterday. It's only about 6 minutes long and well worth watching.
He wants to play with it. I remember when he first took office and there was talk he might get a fancy new helicopter and there was some opposition to it. Obama said that he never had a helicopter before and the one he already had was cool enough by him.