Miss C agrees with Cindy Sheehan,
Many Americans do care more about American Idol than they do about our Soldiers in Iraq. That's just how people are.
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!
Many Americans do care more about American Idol than they do about our Soldiers in Iraq. That's just how people are.
why are we encouraging immigration from less developed countries? Is it not in the best interests of the environment for Mexicans to stay in Mexico? Of course we can not worry about the comfort of individuals in the grand scheme of things. We must not let them come here and own cars and live in houses with electricity, for then they will no longer be good and pure but evil and monstrous like all Americans. It is for the good of their souls and the environment that we deport them quickly.
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." -- George Orwell
Every day as I walk to the bus stop after work, I pass a residence hotel. There are often mushroom types of males hanging out in front. I always get looks and comments from men who are looking for a working woman to support them in their many "habits."
Liars! You are bald faced liars. Unless you have a friend or relative in Iraq, a soldier or a native of that sad country, the war is not affecting you one iota. My life is the same as it ever was. So is yours.
I sure hope Mookie al Sadr got his rotten teeth fixed while he was there. The blackened, sugar eaten nubs that passed for his teeth that is.
and are always yelping about the fact that we have to subsidise the health care of Wal-mart employees, are perfectly content, even eager, to have us subsidise the health care of millions of illegal immigrants. What makes the contractors, farmers and brothel owners, who employ illegals and don't pay health care benefits for them, exempt from the ire of the leftist Wal-mart haters?
The whales have, so far, stumped the "experts." Could that be because they are not so "expert?"
Now the "experts" are going to use high powered spray nozzles to create extreme amounts of bubbles, which will somehow "coax" whales into swimming back to the ocean. Miss C is sure that said whales have discovered a delicacy. Delta cat fish. They will not leave the delta until they have eaten every last one.
"A team of marine mammal experts today will try using new underwater noise -- of attacking killer whales and humpback whales from Monterey Bay -- in the latest attempt to coax two lost humpback whales back to sea."
Sometimes my neighbor will rent a car to take us shopping. We head to a Target Store in San Leandro. The shoppers consist mainly of immigrants, probably 95%. As you navigate the store, you notice that in every aisle there is ripped open packaging. Many of the items have had parts removed and the cosmetics are used. I was in the deodorant aisle and there was a woman there with her son, who was about 12. He squatted in the aisle, taking the lids off deodorant cans, spraying the deodorant into the lids and sniffing the fumes. He already looked as if he had brain damage. His mother was entirely unconcerned.
One of the reasons immigramts bother me is that they do not share my values at all. Today as I walked home, I saw a blind woman crossing the street with her white cane. Did people stop for her? Hell no! They drove around her. A very dangerous thing, because if people are behind you they don't know that you swerved over to avoid someone and may have just continued and hit the blind person.
Every day now, on the radio and in print here in the Bay Area, I am subjected to hippie diatribes about eating locally and having less impact on the environment by becoming a vegetarian. They are so full of shit! What ignorant idiots these self congratulatory fools are. Agricultural peoples have had detrimental effects on their environments, throughout the ages.
and then, in a giant sting operation, we arrest them and throw them back over the border. We do sting operations for wanted American criminals all the time. We pretend they won something and when they show up to claim it we arrest their asses. Why don't we give amnesty to the American criminals too while we are at it, it's only fair. Why are we penalizing American citizens but not foreign law breakers? I just don't get it. Help me out here people.
I just have to scratch my head in confusion. There is an odd tendency on the left think that poor foreigners are better and purer than well educated people. Somehow those who have done well in their life are not to be rewarded by being allowed to emigrate to the country of their choice and immediately commence to being a productive tax paying worker.
This type of crap can only happen in Arab countries. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic! Double refugees and double victims. Palestinians are turning the culture of victimhood into a fine art!
As far as I am concerned "Theresa" Sparks is still a man insofar as I do not consider a woman to be simply a man without a penis. Sparks was also voted "Woman of the Year" in 2003 by assemblyman Mark Leno, who is gay and of course would rather all women really be men anyway. What a blow to patriarchal culture when men posing as women are considered better than real women! I really feel sorry for the SFPD. They have a hard enough time instituting law and order with out having to worry about this guy breathing down their necks.
although he is a Democrat, as a former Seabee, he does not think he can ever vote for a Democrat again because of the way they are treating the troops! He also told me a neat story about Vietnam I shall relate in a future post.
the patrons have read all the books we already have. Once they have finished those we can buy new ones. It will be like a summer reading club. After a patron reads a book we will mark it off on a list for him/her. After they read, say, 100,000 books or more, we will give them a kewl library key chain, t-shirt or a nifty sticker. Books on CD or tape can count but not DVD's.
No he's not! He's just dead and gone and there is no God! No afterlife. Nothing, nada.
My co-worker went to Disneyland last week. As she described her trip to me I asked her if there were many foreigners at the park.
why do they love Michael Moore so much? What makes him exempt from the superior inhabitants of the old country's censure? Can they not see his bulk? Are they blinded by love?
Her ecological, or carbon, footprint is actually smaller than her for real shoe size. A dainty little carbon footprint. But according to the earth lovers way too big! They say Miss C needs to cut her hooves nearly in half! Well, to be mathematically precise, a third.
On one of PBS's programs about the rising tide of extreme Islam in Europe, shown during their "world after 9/11 series," former Spanish government officials and President Jose Maria Aznar were interviewed. When Aznar was asked why he supported Bush's plan to go to war in Iraq he said that he thought it was in his country's best interests to ally himself with the world's 2 greatest democracies, the US and Britain.
Le,(pronounced Lee) the owner of my favorite restaurant told me that when he was growing up in North Vietnam he could never have imagined that eating too much would kill you off sooner. In Vietnam they had the opposite problem. Le told me that he and his brothers and sisters would steal a chicken from someone, pluck it, cover it in mud and bake it in the ground and that it was the best tasting chicken in the world!
This has been Miss C's personal experience. This study is no surprise to her. A lot of the fat lesbians Miss C knows are vegetarians. Yet if Miss C stated this, at say, a party, liberals would be all up in her grill. She would be accused of "bigotry" and "generalizing." There are many reasons for the fact that lesbians can get away with being fat and straight women can't. Most men are not chubby chasers. Miss C has had fat friends who raked in the men, but they were "pretty" fat girls, feminine looking with long hair and they dressed sexy for their weight. But many men won't even sleep with their own wives if their wives gain weight. Lesbians on the other hand, look for "inner beauty." They consider flouting accepted standards of beauty as a kind of rebellious act. That, and half of them just can't stop gorging themselves on cous cous, soy lattes and tofuti.
if his conduct is within the rules."
Fred bemoans the US government's, less than brilliant, plan to recruit new scientists from the ranks of those who do not have a scientific bent. Those being certain minorities and women.
Former prison guards have been convicted of abusing prisoners in Florida. The guards made prisoners lick toilets clean. This kind of crap happens wherever someone has power over another.
Pizarro had made himself most unpopular with the Incas due to his incessant raping, pillaging and unfortunate tendency to slaughter the Indians and otherwise treat them like caca every chance he got. He demanded more and more gold while giving the Incas worthless crap, torture and death in return.
The current rioting going on in France is very odd considering that the French leftists are engaging in Bush administration tactics. They, and their puppet princess Segolene, threatened violence if the French people did not vote the way they told them to.
Last night on PBS they had a reallly fun Nature about the multiculturally diverse array of sharks that gather off the coast of South Africa. A certain time of year the powers that be remove the shark nets that protect swimmers from attack and let the sharks swim in close to shore for a fish feed. A ribbon of very cold water sweeps through, carrying millions of sardines.
Cuz I did. It was hella funny! What the hell does the media have to report about another tired old march for the "immigration "rights" of "undocumented workers" anyway. Same old, same old. Same march, new year.
James Mosqueda. Mosque da. Queda. Qaeda. Weird is what it is. Abu R thinks the media is f'ing with us. Reporting from the site Abu R claims the damage is just too extensive to have been caused by a mere tanker truck fire. Of course he is an Arab and thus prone to believe in conspiracy theories.
"There is no such thing as a fundamentalist Mormon, if you practice polygamy you are not a true Mormon."
Which killings are deemed worthy of a protest?
The latest march for immigrant's rights just passed by the library today. Don't they realize that if they obtain "rights" no one will have any reason to hire them. Their principle attraction is their underground status. When employers have to pay social security, health benefits, overtime, etc, there is no real incentive to hire immigrants any longer.
PBS Frontline showed the first of a 2 part American Experience program last night on the Mormons. Caculated, I am sure, to put paid to the candidacy of the only truly Conservative Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, it showed the Mormons in a very bad light.