I have been watching 1st season of, The Wire, and its better than anything you have ever seen on television before
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!
Since the populations of Euro bees has been decimated I have noticed a lot more native bees are buzzing around my flowers and in the fields where I take Devil Dawg to cavort about in.
Right wing-co-worker and I were discussing the horrifying state of Oakland.
The headline topping the story about convicted child raping murderer John Couey. They went like this:
What else does a fighting cock like to do?
Gawd damn, let's do it. We'll get the southern half cuz the liberals hate the heat and are afraid of extreme weather. All the liberals here have been bitching about the fact that it has finally warmed up for a few days from the low 60's they have been enjoying, and Miss C's been tolerating, for the entire summer so far. They prefer to creep about in the half light.
and he will have no more beneficial effect on the country than Dellums has had on Gotham City/Oakland since he was elected mayor. The same will be true under Obama's watch should he be elected. Electing politicians who feel criminals' pain is not enough, we need elected officials who feel victims' pain.
Jamel and I were eating at Nation's when he noticed an elderly Asian woman wearing a red tunic and gold scarf, who was seated across from us.
In the extremely stupid book, Distracted, the Erosion of Attention and the Coming of the Dark Age, Maggie Jackson bemoans the fact that American astronauts dislike communal meals and would prefer to do away with dining tables altogether during space flights, unlike European astronauts, whom she adores and who just love to eat communally. Miss C thinks it is because our astronauts have important duties to which they would rather attend and that the French consider no duty more important than filling their smug mugs.
the part where it lists the "right to look at internet porn in the public library" and I just can't find it, can someone help me out here.
Funny their website on US atrocities doesn't list torture and the jailing of AIDS specialists and other kewl mean stuff like that. I thought Bush was the most evil man on the planet, but all the lefties can come up with is an accusation that kids are getting spanked in school and illegal immigrants aren't getting the wonderful health care they might recive in Mexico. Boo hoo.
Every day for the last 2 weeks I have had to listen to liberals around here bitching and moaning about the biased coverage of the Olympics.
If you think about all the people who are lying in the polls and claiming they are going to vote for Obama because they don't want to sound uncool, you realize that Obama really has lost the lead. The Democratic convention is going to get really violent and ugly and that is really going to tip it McCain's way.
Last year when Jamel was 8, and was visiting from Seattle for the summer, he and I took Devil Dawg out for a walk at the marina.
Chinese Christian co-worker's friend was at one of the Chinese restaurants that was recently robbed. He told her that since few of his fellow diners in the restaurant at the time of the robbery spoke any English, the robbers were frustrated when they demanded that the diners "Get on the floor" and nobody responded. The Chinese patrons just sat and stared at the masked men.
Co-worker has a pit bull/German shepard mix dog staying at her house. The dog likes to do something naughty with his Sponge Bob stufty. So co-worker calls the dog, "Playa."
Instead members of the Aisan teams should just glue patches of hair all over their arms and legs and put a unibrow between their eyes to imitate the Europeans.
It's a document to the experience of American Communists and trade unionists who flocked to Stalinist Russia during the Depression. There many of them found things were not at all to their liking and tried to leave. Stalin, of course, fearing that they might come back to America and spill the beans about his operation, threw their ungrateful commie asses in the gulag and even executed some of them. Suckers! Hoisted on their own petards.
My co-workers are all blathering on about the events and I am terribly jealous of them.
Old Lodge Skins: Let's go back to the teepee and eat, my son. My new snake wife cooks dog very well.
Car traffic is given red lights and must stop all ways. Then pedestrians are given green lights and can walk four ways and diagonally. Then cars are allowed to proceed alternately. This is to prevent the wholesale slaughter of pedestrians. There are some of these 4 way cross walks in San Francisco Chinatown as well. They probably have these in Chinatowns all over the country. A study done in 2002 said that Chinatown has the highest concentration of motor vehicle accidents in Oakland.
They are mad because it's telling its employees to vote Republican. Lefties think it is unfair for Wal-mart to suggest to its employees that they vote for a candidate friendly to Wal-mart's interests. It is mentioned in the article that Wal-mart does not want its employees to become unionized.
If they offered this benefit around here, all the ladies would let theirs grow in.
I have always been seriously terrified of construction cranes. They seem to defy the logics of physics. Across the street from my place of work they were building a condo for the last year and a half. They had a giant crane there for months. I would not walk near it. I stayed 2 blocks away from it if I had to go out for lunch. I lived in terror that it would fall on the day care center located directly across the street from the construction site.
'Like a bomb:' 3 killed by freak tornado in northern France
The New Yorker cover. Ludacris's song. Michael Savage's ignorant statement. It's all free speech. Free to say something stupid. Free to offend people. Free speech is not about being inoffensive and profound all the time. If you don't like to live in a country that upholds the right of free speech move to China.
One of my Black co-workers keeps trying to get us to all go out after work for drinks. He named a Black owned dinner club that I have had a little experience with.
Do you know that there has been only one continental European rock band to have international success? One. The Scorpions. That's it. That's because European bands don't rock, they suck.
The cops cuffed these three kids, sat them down, then searched them one by one. It was funny to see the cop trying to deal with the baggy pants as he seemed reluctant to actually put his hand inside the kids' pants. The cops called in the kids' info and then uncuffed them and let them all go after about 20 minutes. The kids walked away laughing it up.