If Senator Craig was a Democrat
The police would be in hot water right now as the media and the left spun the police sting operation and Craig's subsequent arrest into a discrimination against gays incident.
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!
The police would be in hot water right now as the media and the left spun the police sting operation and Craig's subsequent arrest into a discrimination against gays incident.
In this study they excluded Asians on account of they are thought to be, um, short. They should have included them. The young Asians here in the bay area are getting taller and taller. It's common now to see Chinese-American boys over six feet tall. We have quite a few 20 something Asian girls working here who are about 5'10.
the French are engaged in a desperate struggle to keep the word "airbag" from being used in France. It's a dirty job but some Frenchman's got to make the world a better place, for me and you, just wait and see.
More muderous consequences of liberal policies. Giving subsidies to farmers is on a par with the Dutch paying welfare to artists who can't sell their work. If you can't make a living at something you should move on to another profession. It's the old story of liberals rewarding failure, which goes against Darwinism and natural selection.
Chato puts the gun to the driver's door of the Bronco and fires it. The bullet goes through the door and into Boo's upper left calf. Chato's friends reach in and yank off Boo's gold chains. Chato puts the gun to Boo's head and says, "You know where the next one's going, get out the car!." Boo gets out of the car and Chato's buddies push Boo to the ground, punching and kicking him. Chato gets into the Bronco and yells, "Where are the keys?" Boo says "Fuck you!" Chato finds the keys on the floor and starts the Bronco, his friends get in the 2 other cars. They drive away and as Chato drives by Boo he yells, "Don't snitch!" He and his amigos turn right, out of the cul de sac, and drive toward the freeway.
PBS's series America At the Crossroads/The Anti-Americans was damn funny!I order you to go to the website and watch the clips of little French children who have been drilled into becoming nasty little racist xenophobes, and listen to rich elitist Brits at a dinner party making idiots of themselves as they show their abysmal ignorance of reality. One British guy claims that all blue collar guys are ignorant and inarticulate. One reasonable and intelligent Brit interviewed said that anti-Americans are such hypocrites, it's as if they are sucking off one tit while punching the other!" Strangely enough the French Muslims living in French tenement apartments and who are not part of the great french socialist dream, express admiration for George Bush, not because of his policies but because, as they put it, "He gets things done."
As part of a public service capaign to discourage "tagging" or grafitti on county transit buses, they have posted signs on the buses saying,
The documentary consists of a trilogy. The first is about an orphaned Sunni boy practically enslaved by an awful man who calls the boy a "pimp" and son of a whore" and regularly beats the crap out of him. The second part involves Muqtada Al Sadr's followers and shows the bitterness they feel at having been liberated by the US and how badly they want us out of Iraq. The third follows a Kurdish boy and his elderly father, who does not want his son to end up a poor shepherd, like himself.
Two days after Boo drops Chato off at Santa Rita street, he gets a call from him. Chato wants Boo to drive him to Hayward where they will pick up a large TV from Chato's sister's house. Chato offered Boo a laptop for his trouble. Boo said he did not think the TV would fit in his Bronco so he borrowed a friend's van. The friend, Yannick, let Boo borrow his van and tools when Boo needed them to do plumbing jobs. When the defense grilled Boo and asked him why Yannick would loan his van to Boo, a known meth addict, Boo said "Sometimes life is just that way." Once in a while a contractor would want him to dig a trench or something and he would leave his Bronco with Yannick and he would take care of it and the contents and Boo would use, then return, the van and tools in perfect condition as well.
One of my workmates commented today that I do not seem like my old self. I have to admit this is true. Jury duty took it out of me. It was a hellacious experience. In fact, I think it is cruel and unusual punishment to subject good people to such stress as we, the jury, suffered. I will hereby relate the experience in chapters. Every time I tell the story of the trial to someone my heart starts squeezing up and I feel as if I am about to expire, so I will give it to you in small doses. It's an interesting, if awful, story.
He's Black you stupid liberals so don't say shit! He is the first person to say that there is a subculture of violence going on in the inner cities that is separate from the "fight for civil rights" "social justice" and whatnot. All that crap is totally beside the point. What good people of color need or want has nothing to do with the animal stupidity of young Black men destroying each other, and the people around them.
He's as bad as that effing bitch Cindy Sheehan who sent her poor son Casey to die like a dog. I'm sure glad Republican Mitt Romney didn't force his kids to fight and die in Iraq like those scum sucking Democrats did their innocent little children!
The trial begins on Monday. My mind is taken up with the big responsibility that it is. I can't think of much else and won't be blogging much. I am trying to get as much work done as possible so that right wing co-worker is not completely swamped next week.
Co-worker goes to art house films. A friend of his has a theater that has couches and you can buy beer and wine and eat pizza during the movie. Best of all, no kids allowed, except on baby night. He just opened another theater in a nearby city.
Jamel came over 2 weeks ago and showed me a new metal change box his grandma had bought him. He's 8 now and that seems to be the age where kids become interested in cool stuff and realize that the way to get cool stuff is to get money from grown ups. In other words they become greedy little shits. He had a lemonade sale last weekend and made thirty bucks. One lady gave him five bucks for a cup of lemonade and told him to keep the change. Now he wants to sell lemonade every day!
"W would be very proud of your lack of intelligence Ms White Trash"
Those selfsame conservatives are all up in Fred Thompson's ass. UGH! Think about it people. Fred Thompson is Alec Baldwin turned inside out!
Jamel went to the building museum the other day, he said he made a ladder there. He came back with a scrap of PVC pipe and a long strip of some fibrous material. He was playing with them in front of my cottage. He pounded the pipe into my yard and made a big hole in my yellow and brown weeds that pass for a lawn. I told him to stop.
I watched the movie, Pride, last night starring the delectable Terrence Howard, and it reminded me of something. On NPR a few months ago they did an interview with a White liberal former teacher who had gone down to the south to teach in a segregated school. Right away the Black kids in her class started to act out. The teacher was unable to enforce order in the class. Some of the students went home and told their parents that the White lady could not control her class.
The majority of mentally healthy, self confident liberals just ignored my post and moved on to the other million ads from ugly, uptight vegetarian women specifying liberal men only, but this guy could not resist sending me hate mail. Like most people afflicted with Bush derangement syndrome, he has no self control. I was sure to get a column out of it so I engaged with him. He also flagged my post repeatedly until they took it down. What a psycho.
4 years ago I had a cute White co-worker who became pregnant by a Black Oakland cop. I feel comfortable calling him a Black cop, because there is a Black Police Officers Association. Anyway when the girl had to finally take off work in her later months of pregnancy, the Black cop told her to go and get on Welfare, as he was not going to support her and the baby. This after demanding that she name the baby, if a girl, after his mother. This cop worked a lot of overtime and made a lot of money.
A few years back there was a really cool documentary about the difference between American and Russian pilots. The Russians came off looking way, way more macho and cooler than our pilots.
My Chinese-American co-worker came in to work irritated this morning because the reporters on the local news incorrectly stated that SWAT teams were raiding "Your Muslim Bakery" instead of "Your Black Muslim Bakery." "It's the name." she said crankily. "Why can't they say the name?" "I said, "You know why." The real surprise is that they said "Muslim" Bakery.
it's because they did not support his friend Tony Blair and the war on terror, but why does he hate the people of Minnesota so bad that he caused their bridge to collapse? I can think of a few states more worthy of his fantastical powers of telekenetic destruction.
Last night on PBS they showed a documentary by one of my favorite documentary film makers about farmer's markets across the US. This film maker has done the spiffiest documentaries about food, Sandwiches You Will Like and The Hot Dog Program. Both films made you want to travel around the country trying all the hot dogs and sandwiches at the places shown.
DAVID HOLLAND, Oceanographer, New York University:
today. He was shot in the back of the head by a man wearing all black and a ski mask and not a woman dressed in all black with a cat ear headband. We are sure it was a premeditated hit.
Yesterday on the local news they continued an investigation into the homeless encampments in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. They interviewed a charming drunk, who said "I could get a room in the city but I just love it here."