There's such a thing as tough love baby. I only want what's best for you. I have a friend that makes her alcoholic son sleep on the porch. She practices tough love herself, but always votes for the Democrats. I don't get it. Here's my advice and it's pretty much the Republican platform for helping Blacks that need help. If you think that Blacks don't need to change their culture and everything that Black people do is so great, quit complaining about how bad the Whites are fucking Black people up. If you do want to change the pathologies plaguing Black culture here goes. Get a job, save your money, kick out your scummy, cheating, lown down boyfriends, value your pussies, withhold your beautiful bodies, quit getting pregnant at 14 and living off the tax payers while trying to get that playa to stay with you. Black men, far from being oppressed, are spoiled beyond belief. Black women coddle Black men in every way possible. Letting Black men get away with murder, and I mean murder. O.J. Simpson, for instance. If you are afraid to make demands of a man, such as fidelity and child support, the man will not respect you anyway. He will think that you are a ho and a chump and treat you accordingly. Trust me, he will probaby move in with, and possibly even marry, a woman that makes demands of him. Setting your value high shows men that you respect herself. Never put your sex life before your pride or your kids. You can live without sex, if it means keeping bad men away from your kids. Black women should start marrying out of their race more often. Black men do it all the time. It's time for Black women to start marrying successful White and Asian men. European men are often highly educated and love Black women. Show some of that devotion to men that work hard and support and care for their children. Those White men won't know what hit them. Remember they've been suffering through 30 years of White feminism. They will be eternally grateful to you.
As for your adversarial relationship with the police, quit using the police as your marriage counselors, kid's fathers, and as substitute husbands. Quit calling the police every time you have trouble with a relative, it's likely your relative will get pepper sprayed, held in a choke hold, stunned with a stun gun, or shot, and you don't want that, so just handle Uncle Ray's crack binge on your own for a change. Don't say that you are afraid of the police and at the same time complain that you don't have enough police presence in your neighborhood. If you don't cooperate with the police to help solve a crime you are a witness to, then don't expect anyone to help you if you are a victim of a crime. There's a book at the library that tells young Black males how to behave if stopped by the police, check it out or better yet, buy it. Teach your kids to respect adults of every race and especially the elderly. Teach them how to keep their voices down in public spaces. Teach them to respect other people's personal property and physical person and privacy. Teach them how to respond to authority respectfully, and to learn how to do what they are told when it is appropriate to do so. Teach them how to delay gratfication. Don't buy them status brand clothing. Teach your kids how to cook. Go shopping for healthy food in Chinatown, you may get dirty looks from the Chinese the first few times you go there but they will get used to you and think better of Blacks because of your family's respectful behavior. Make it a rule to teach your children to resist becoming hostile when someone looks at them. Take them to the celebrations of other people's cultures, not just your own. Take them to Native American Pow Wows, Cinco de Mayo celebrations, Chinese New Year parades. Make them study different countries, they can study countries in every continent, one a week. Teach them that there are standards of beauty in all cultures and that they would not necessarily be considered beautiful just because they move to Africa. Teach them that some Europeans in fact worship the beauty of Black women. Tina Turner is considered a Goddess in Germany. Take an interest in their education, talk to their teachers, pay attention to their homework. Take them to the library when they are small. Quit beating your kids so bad, it doesn't work and probably is counter productive. Use curse words sparingly, curse words help your child express their emotions but not their thoughts. Make your teenagers get a job as soon as they are legally able to. Give them chores, make them help elderly neighbors with their chores. Teach them that many people on earth have little money but still lead very happy lives Tell them a lot of people of lower income levels are still devoted, useful members of their families and communities. Teach them that there is no shame in being a janitor or busboy, or a maid. I have many Black friends who's parents worked 2 and even 3 jobs to give their kids a better life. Take them to places that the upper classes frequent, like Sausalito or Monclair. It's good for them to see how the wealthier classes live and behave. Try to take your kids to do activities they can't normally do in the city. There are groups that take disadvantaged kids river rafting and camping. Black kids need to know there is a larger world out there and that they are not the majority everywhere, like they are in the inner city. They need to know that they may not always be treated respectfully, but that there is redress available for true discrimination. Teach them how to recognize the difference between true discrimination and unintentional rudeness or thoughtlessness. Teach them table manners and how to calculate tips. Teach them to treat waitpersons respectfully and not like slaves.Teach your children the truth about the different cultures in Africa so that they don't think that they are descended from King Tut, and think that their African ancestor's native language was Swahili. Teach them that most White people in the world never owned slaves, and that many Black and brown peoples did own slaves. Tell them that Jesus was brown and Santa was White. Tell them that most people in America on welfare are White. Tell them that welfare is not shameful, but should be temporary. Teach them that commited relationships are to be cherished and that being a good father is the highest calling for a man on this earth. Teach them that the US has made a lot of mistakes and that we are trying to do better and that this is still one of the best places on earth to raise your children Tell them that the real problem America has is too much food, not too little. Tell them that poor people in other countries are far worse off than poor people in this country. Tell them with self discipline and hard work you can live a decent and rewarding, if not luxurious life. This is what I want for Blacks and I do not think that it will happen because Hillary Clinton accuses Bush of running the administration like a Plantation and Harry Belafonte claims that Bush is an evil slave master and that Hugo Chavez is the second coming of Christ. If Venezuela has the answer to American Black people's problems, then I am willing to donate money for all the Blacks, led by Mr Belafonte to go to Venezuela.