Leftists are always calling me a racist. This does not bother me at all because, the vast majority of leftists I know have nothing in common with most minorities and know virtually nothing about them. They also do not take public transit. I know about Black people and I talk about my observations. Leftists can not handle this. For one reason they don't want to know the truth as it upsets their little Utopian world. If you think that Blacks and Hispanics and Asians don't talk about Whites then you are seriously deluded. They do, all the time and believe me, they are not saying, "Oh, I just love me some White liberals, they are so cool. If it wasn't for White Liberals, my life would be so messed up, I just love their music too! That Sheryl Crow is such a great singer, she's so anti-war and she's got back too." It just does not happen.
There is a phenomenon in the inner city involving young Black males. Black youths wait at a light until it turns red and they no longer have the right of way. Then, they step deliberately into oncoming traffic. They walk in front of cars and when the driver slams on his brakes the Black teenagers look in through the windshield and "mean mug" or glare threateningly at the occupants. Often they scream "Fuck you bitch!" and dance around and purposefully walk as slow as possible. The cars waiting to go will miss the light and then the teens will turn and walk out in front of the other drivers with the right of way. No one I know, including my Black co-workers, want to drive by a high school because they are afraid they will get stuck and threatened repeatedly by waves of teens and possibly assaulted or killed by them as well.
There was a case a few years ago where a man who was visiting his dying son at Children's Hospital in Oakland went out to move his car and was killed by young Blacks after such an encounter. His wife was at one hospital with her son and other children when she got a call that her husband was dying of a brain injury at the county hospital. Here she was thinking he was going to come back after moving the car. the rescue personnel felt so sorry for this guys family, they set up a fund for them. It was just horrible.
The truth is that good people are being held hostage on buses and in their cars and on the streets by Black youths who have not been taught the most basic of civilized behavior. They have no respect for anyone but themselves. in fact, they over value themselves to a great degree. Just about the only things they learn in school are a sense of entitlement and an inflated opinion of their importance in the world. They put their immediate wants above everything else and get very angry if their desires are frustrated.
I have been on buses where Blacks have tormented Asians and Whites. last year I was riding a bus and a particularly disgusting young Black man got on and proceeded to go around the bus making fun of everyone and engaging gullible fools in conversations and then verbally assaulting them. He continually harassed an old Chinese woman by asking if every Asian woman that got onto the bus was her sister and when she would innocently say no, he would say, "But' y'all look alike!" He then asked her if she ate dog and when she said she didn't he said, "I know you do." He asked some stupid White, liberal asshole why he was riding the bus and said "All white people got cars." The liberal guy tried to explain that he had lost his job and the Black kid told him that he should burn down his former place of work.
I started swinging my umbrella in irritation as I listened to this piece of shit and he looked over at me and asked if I was nervous. I said, "No, I'm not, I figured you were working your way around the bus and would get to me, eventually." "He laughed and said, "You right." As we got to the projects where the fool lived, stayed, or what ever he got up to get off. He turned around at the door and said, "Bye, Black people." Then he looked at me and said "You Black too, you just Black on the inside," and got off the bus.
We put up with this crap day in and day out. The Black kids engage in the most vile racist behavior on the planet and cause misery wherever they go. Rarely some of them get jobs and their customer service is on a par with their public misbehavior. They don't smile because its not cool and they can't speak in a civil tone. They steal and give so much free food to their friends that many fast food restaurants won't hire them.
There is a current attempt to clean up the projects in San Francisco. They are rousting the gangs and instituting no gang laws. Gang members are not allowed to hang out in public areas. They did this in San Jose California and it is working very well. On the news talked to a Vietnamese guy hanging out at a cafe, using his lap top, and he told reporters that before they got rid of the gangs he could not use his laptop as the gang bangers would just have taken it. They had daylight robberies rapes and murders going on all the time. Off course there were challenges by the ACLU to try and protect the rights of gang members to harass and violently assault good people, after all what is the ACLU here for if not to protect violent criminals? But the legal challenges have been overruled so far. Thank God.
The reporters also talked to a poor single Black woman living in the projects with her beautiful baby son and she had bullet holes all over her walls. Her bedroom window was shattered and her car windows were shattered. She was afraid to go outside and even when she did, there was nothing but trash and broken glass and drug paraphernalia to look at. She just hides in the house with her baby all the time. She has applied to move to a different housing project, but I imagine it will just be more of the same. We are giving in to these animals and letting the bad people take over our cities. I think we need to hire Rudolph Giuliani as a nationwide consultant and have him clean up the cities and re-institute order.