Now will the 9/11 conspiracy theorists shut the hell up!
If you come in my cage I'll eat you too!
Let's see, David Halberstam, pitcher Josh Hancock, the Tongan royal family, all dead by automobiles. Also, we have the severely injured Governor of New Jersey. When will the left wake up and realize the most dangerous weapon is right in their own driveways?
Mayor Dellums is a brilliant and charming man. He told many inspirational stories.
Yesterday I took a pic of the woodpecker who is pecking away at the pole in front of my house. He has been here for a week or so. There is also a strange crow that mimics the woodpecker's pecking sound. He sits in the tree and watches the woodpecker and imitates him pretty well. While I was taking the pic of the woodpecker people on the street began to stop and look at the bird. A Black gay guy with a boom box came across the street and told me about seeing beautiful woodpeckers while he was growing up in Arkansas. No puns intended.
Noah of Opinionated Jackass
I took Devil Dog out to pee and was shocked to see this plant sitting in his regular pee spot. Then I started giggling. My neighbor was a firefighter but he's been out on workman's comp with a back injury for some months now. Jamel's grandmas were complaining that "He smokes more pot than Bob Marley!" I guess he must have visited the "Pot Doc" and gotten a permit to cultivate his own weed for medicinal purposes, as this and two other plants are sitting out in the open in his front yard! I guess we are going to see a lot of stoned snails!
The other night I was doing a crossword in bed when I heard a strange scratching sound. The Blue Devil was curled up on the pillow next to me, so I knew it could not be he. I kept hearing it and it was unnerving me a bit. I thought perhaps Miss Mousy had returned to take up residence and raid the food stores. I got out of bed and began to cock my head and listen for the direction of the sound. I traced it to my front door. Remember, I live in a studio, so my front door is also my bedroom door! I stood at the front door wondering what could possibly be scratching on it and decided to be brave and open it. I unlocked the door, opened it quickly and squealed "Great God!" About 30 snails were crawling all over the outside of the door! More slimey trails than Britney Spears car seat!
I am reading The Unknown American Revolution, by Gary B. Nash. It is a people's history of the revolution. It tells of the common men and women and the Indians and the Blacks during the forging of our great and glorious nation. Personal dislike was apparently rife among the founders. They accused each other of all manner of scurrilous behavior. One accused another of spreading veneral disease among his females slaves. There was a lot of jealous sniping going on and some of the founders felt they would not be getting their fair share of the vainglory. Much as the Democrats are doing today. They might want to rethink their policy, they will go down in history as the party who drove the US and the world into the dark ages once again. Still the political and personal invective was better than it is today. If only Ann Coulter had such a dab hand with the insults and such a brilliant command of the English language!
How many scientists did it take to figure that one out and what is their opinion of the theory of global warming?
Does the left start yelping about outlawing cars which can be used as lethal weapons? Hell no! Liberals luuvvv their cars. If you don't believe me, just try to find parking in Berkeley!
Today I stopped into my neighborhood Vietnamese cafe to pick up dinner to go. The owner of the cafe gave me a glass of wine while I waited, because I had missed the grand re-opening after a remodel. We started a conversation that zinged all over the map from Vietnam to Iraq. I asked him about the co-owner of the business and he informed me that guy was South Vietnamese while he himself was from the North. He then told me that not only did he not have hard feelings against the South but that Vietnam would be much better off had the South and the US won the war. He said that the Chinese were an evil influence on the Vietnamese and that they used the poor for their own purposes. Mind you this guy's wife is Chinese.
This is an interesting interview with one of the musicians who played at the Casbah during the heyday of the northbeach belly dancing scene. Nazir was a friend of mine and a talented musician. He is Assyrian. The Kanoon player he mentions, Fouad Marzook, an Egyptian, was a very great musician indeed.
Just about everyone around me here in the Bay Area rants and rails against MacDonald's and "the rich." I guess now they can all be classified as the mentally ill, dangerous lunatics they are!
Faced with a weak hurricane season and record freezing temps throughout this winter and spring, the global warming in-experts are now back peddling and claiming that to the contrary of their original insane predictions, global warming will not increase the power of hurricanes, but weaken them! Ha, ha, ha, ha... That's good news, is it not? Hurray for global warming!
Gun control is unworkable and, in this country, uninforcible. Look at Japan, gun control laws did not stop the man that shot the Mayor of Nagasaki. Prohibition did not stop people from getting alcohol. Where there's a will there's a way.
I saw a great Italian movie this weekend. Mafioso! Made in the year of my birth. It's about a Sicilian car plant manager, Nino, who takes his blonde, Milanese wife and 2 blonde daughters home to meet his Sicilian relatives. One review said it was like Meet the Parents meets the Godfather and that about says it. If you add the Hills Have Eyes in there too. The Sicilian family are all feasting on piles of squid cooked in their own ink, and lambs intestines, much to the disgust of Nino's wife. Nino's sister has one eyebrow and a mustache and furry arms. She's been "engaged" for 2 years to Domenico, who won't let her go to the beach because she "embarrasses" him. Nino's sophisticated city wife wants to help her out, so she waxes her. After the wax job, of course, she's beautiful. "You'd better get married before they grow back" her brother says.
I have never listened to Don Imus. I have seen him once or twice on TV in a news clip or a story. He always struck me as physically repulsive in the way that Keith Richards is and Miles Davis was. They look like Egyptian mummies. I don't know anything about Imus, but it strikes me that there is no defending him from a Conservative standpoint.
During the era of dueling, there was a joke that if 2 Englishmen were marooned on a desert isle, they would soon commence to gambling, but if 2 Frenchmen were marooned they would immediately challenge each other to a duel!
In case you were ignorant of the fact that the employees of American newspapers are, gushing in their knickers, Beatle style fans of President Ahmadinajad, read this article from the San Francisco Chronicle staff reporter Matthew Stannard. He excoriates Tony Blair while calling up all manner of "experts," with Persian names mind you, who are all too willing to testify in the usual manner, that Iran clearly won the battle of wills and wits in the recent British hostage situation. Iran comes out smelling like a rose according to the article. It's pretty typical of Muslims to claim an abject defeat is a victory, because they are always concerned about not losing face, but this was neither a victory nor a defeat for either side . It was an exercise in futility. The American press is so on the side of Muslims, any Muslims, except for moderate Muslims, that is, that it can see only the good in them. It has started to believe that Muslims can do no wrong, or always have a free pass to do wrong. Or a really great reason to do wrong.
let them be responsible for "peace" negotiations between Arabs and Israelis. They started it. Let them finish it. The Germans should go to the Palestinians and say, "It's our fault the Jews had to have their own country to protect themselves against future projected genocidal actions on the part of people who may choose to emulate the German people's actions during the Holocaust. Which by the way, really happened. We actually did slaughter millions of them, no matter what the President of Iran may say. We are uber sorry that the Jews chose to form their new country on historically Jewish land that you had occupied for quite some time. But since we have done this terrible thing to both you and the Jews, how can we ameliorate your suffering?"
There was a really cool story on PBS Frontline/World last night. There is an organization called Kiva, which operates micro credit loans to individuals in underdeveloped countries. The total loan amounts are small, some for a few hundred dollars, most under 2,000. Individuals like us can loan people 25.00, or more, toward the full amount. They have a 100% repayment rate. It actually changes lives for the better. As your money gets paid back you can invest it again and again. It's almost like online gambling, but not sinful and more rewarding. Capitalism at it's highest from.
Friday night about 11:30, I was doing a crossword in bed and I heard "hoo-hoo-hoo, hooo hooo!" I was thinking, "What the hell ?? That sounds like an owl." (remember, I have not always lived in the city) I heard it louder, "hoo-hoo-hoo, hooo hooo!" I stood up on my bed and put my ear to the window and listened to see if it was my neighbor's TV. It was not! I thought to myself, there is a Great Horned owl outside and it's here to eat the neighbor's lil' runty ass cats, both of whom are left out at night. I ran outside and looked around and listened and traced the hoot owl to the redwood tree in my neighbor's apartment yard. I yelled at it and jumped around like a maniac and it flapped off, as big as you please.
"Didn't Fairy Belafonte' sing a song about Talibananas, or some shite like that?"Come Mr. Taliban, tali (ban) bananas! Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!One bomb, two bomb, three bomb blast!Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!Seventy two virgins are waitin' fer me!Daylight come, an me wanna' blow-up!"
I am confused as to what exactly the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity disorder "sufferers" want exactly. They seem to decry the modern use of chemicals as heinous, but these are the best of times. Remember the good old days when we used lead based paints? When we had lead in our canned foods? When our canned fruit and juice tasted like the cans? When one orange was an extra special treat? When malaria was endemic to the southern US? Before DDT, when we had lice, fleas and bedbugs in our beds? When open sewage ran into lakes and rivers? When we drank polluted water? When the smell of the family bedpan disturbed every one's sleep? When we contracted bubonic plague and smallpox and polio and typhoid and tuberculosis? When vermin ran over us at night? When there were no antibiotics and even President's sons died from blisters and rich people's sons died from ear infections? When people rarely bathed? When doctors bled people and dosed them with deadly poisons like arsenic and mercury to cure venereal and other diseases, which our husbands often contracted from prostitutes and gave to us? When we burned coal as fuel for heat and cooking? When we had to boil meat because it was spoiled? When rural people burned their trash? When factories belched out toxic fumes? When entire families bathed in the same dirty bath water? When women died in childbirth? When the infant mortality rate was high? When our life expectancy was short? Before blood pressure medication? Before ambulances could speed you to the emergency room? When the doctor had to ride for miles in the snow to get to you? When the cure for a cavity was to pull out your tooth, before you died from abscess? Before refrigeration? Before pasteurization(Odwalla juice anyone)? When farmers used untreated animal waste as fertilizer? When pests could wipe out entire crops? When were these marvelous, chemical free, good old days? I don't remember them.
Beth Elliott writes- in response to a letter written a few days ago by Rev John Malloy suggesting to gays that they are not discriminated against in marriage because gays and lesbians are always free to marry each other:
The synopses below does not begin to describe this amazing film.
"Miss Steak --I would say you were mal-adroit...but that might just put you in a mauvaise humeur, n'est-ce pas?"
Barbie's old job was lookin' good! Barbie's new job is to keep the Aztec Dancers and the Ballet Folklorico dancers out of the US! Unfortunately moths ate Miss Aztec's headress feather! I show you Barbie's transformation from mere civilian, to her skivvies to Military Girl! She has clapped the shackles on Miss Aztec's legs!
Which voting method do you think Mr Rosenbaum is referring to in the quote below?
The Palestinians need to go through the court system to recover claims for lost property in the same way that Jews are doing in Germany. Their supporters should set up a Palestinian Claims Conference. The money currently used to arm suicide bombers should be used for lawyers and law suits. Israeli real estate should be worth a pretty sheqalim by now.
Yesterday one of my co-workers came to give me a souvenir she got on a trip to the Vatican. I wasn't there on the first day she came through to pass them out so I had to pick through the left overs. I ended up choosing a rose scented rosary, blessed by Pope Benedict, in a little plastic box, made in China, with a pic of Pope John Paul II. (Giovanni Paolo II)
Now the left has a new enemy, it is affluence, not overpopulation. The poor can have all the children they want, but they must not live a decadent western lifestyle a la Americans. The rich leftist Westerners must keep the poor third world peoples from becoming affluent, if they are to save the polar bears from extiction. Animal are always more important than humans in the leftist view.
Climatologist sounds like a profession specifically designed to study global warming. For all of our history it's pretty much been agreed that we can't do anything about mother nature's fury, except to gird our loins so to speak. Now you have a bunch of wacky scientists claiming that they need this grant for this climate study and this grant for that climate study. They would have you believe that they can control nature.
they need to arrest her, try her for treason, then hang her. After all, she is engaged in "dialogue" with a government who regularly murders their own opposition. Obviously, she sanctions their methods.
Yesterday co-worker processed volumes 1 and 2 of World Fascism, a Historical Encyclopedia. Strange to tell, but neither volume mentioned Ronald Reagan or the Presidents Bush, Sr or Jr.
I have gone through 5 computers in the last year. I just got my laptop back from HP. They replaced my system board. I went out and bought a fancy new surge protector as I kept getting power surges because of a wiring fault and the fact that I am running on limited power.
It's hard to figure out which target audience Shooter is directed at. A movie filled with senseless violence and gratuitous killing, it is at the same time a far left conspiracy flick.
My half sister's mom (my ex stepmother) knows a guy who lives in Penn Valley California. He has a big pond/tiny lake he dug in his back yard. My sister and I used to go up and hang out and swim in the lake, get tans, pick up guys and get nibbled on by bluegills and camp out in the bed of her truck.